
Eggs - how do you like ´em?

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Eggs - how do you like ´em?

Postby karadekoolaid » Sun May 10, 2020 1:28 am

Ok. The British have this passion for Boiled Eggs with Soldiers.
The Americans just love an egg "easy over"
The French probably love "oeuf poché" - although I haven´t been there for years.
The Italians make frittata.
The Spanish make Spanish Omelettes; although the most divine thing I´ve eaten, last time I was in Spain, was a plate of flash-fried whitebait, with an egg stirred through. Barely 20 seconds.
The Scots excel at making scrambled egg with smoked salmon.
Here in Venezuela, we´ve got a version of scrambled egg, called "perico" (parrot) - with sweet chiles, onions, tomatoes, peppers and coriander.

So talk to me about eggs. I haven´t eaten a "Boiled Egg with Soldiers" since I was about 10 years old.

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Re: Eggs - how do you like ´em?

Postby Pampy » Sun May 10, 2020 2:10 am

I put a fried egg on top of chilli cheese on toast. Finely slice some onion and soften in butter or oil. Finely chop a green chilli (remove seeds if you want to).
Mix the onion and chilli with cheese, put on a slice of toast and put under the grill until bubbling. Top with said fried egg - cooked however you want (has to be solid for me).

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Re: Eggs - how do you like ´em?

Postby northleedsbhoy » Sun May 10, 2020 6:54 am

Nothing better than a lovely soft boiled egg (with or without soldiers :lol:) or a soft fried egg on toast or fried bread however it should not have a ‘crusty’ bottom, don’t like fried eggs if the bottom is crispy. A childhood favourite for me and still is occasionally is a couple of eggs mashed up in a cup.

Egg sarnies :yum, likewise scrambled, poached, omelette etc, guess I’m trying to say I like eggs made in any shape or form :lol:

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Re: Eggs - how do you like ´em?

Postby Gillthepainter » Sun May 10, 2020 8:22 am

Poached is my favourite way. No salt, no pepper.
And very very soft - translucent.

When I make scrambled, it takes me 30mins. Over a bain marie.
But they are worth it that way.

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Re: Eggs - how do you like ´em?

Postby Earthmaiden » Sun May 10, 2020 9:10 am

I like eggs cooked in all the basic ways - scrambled, fried, poached, boiled, omelette etc. The only proviso is that they are cooked very delicately, ideally with butter where appropriate and that the yolk is at least slightly runny, again where appropriate. Never crispy bits on fried egg and never may any sauce (ketchup, brown etc) go anywhere near. I almost cried when I first met ex OH and he put ketchup on the very lovingly slow cooked scrambled egg I had made him (a good test of how well a relationship will do :lol:).

Buttered toast or bread are good accompaniments. Fried bread the ultimate treat with fried egg. Various forms of fried potato are quite nice with a fried egg, as is rice. I don't care for the various dishes from round the world like Huevos Rancheros, where eggs are plonked in stronger tasting dishes.

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Re: Eggs - how do you like ´em?

Postby northleedsbhoy » Sun May 10, 2020 9:42 am

Best fried eggs I’ve ever had was when I stayed at the Stakis Hotel (later became Hilton) in Blackpool where there was a chef who just fried eggs. He had a large vat of simmering oil and fried them to order resulting in lovely, perfectly cooked, fresh eggs.

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Re: Eggs - how do you like ´em?

Postby halfateabag » Sun May 10, 2020 10:01 am

I do like eggy bread, french toast, whatever you call it. It does need a slight slathering of either tomato sauce or my HM brown sauce for him.

The duck eggs we were gifted with last week are very rich and the white stands up 'very proud', not sure I could eat a whole one, I only had a mouthful of his.

Used to know someone who would break the egg into the frying pan and purposely break the yolk and slightly stir it. It was then served with a splash of malt vinegar.

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Re: Eggs - how do you like ´em?

Postby strictlysalsaclare » Sun May 10, 2020 11:22 am

I love eggs but can't eat that many of them now due to gout/kidney issues and raised cholesterol. I do like a runny yolk when poached or fried, but the white must not be snotty. I can only cop with a dry yolk in an egg mayo sandwich. I do prefer scrambled eggs to be soft and creamy but can't always get it right.

As far as fancier dishes, omelettes, frittattas, tortillas, spaghetti carbonara - let me at 'em :yum ! I definitely prefer savoury to sweet egg dishes these days. i used to love HM meringues, but not sure I could eat them now :(

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Re: Eggs - how do you like ´em?

Postby Stokey Sue » Sun May 10, 2020 11:34 am

I like most forms of egg, preferably with the white completely set and the yolk not, even for a “hard-boiled” egg I like them a bit sticky never a “blue-boiled” egg with a chalky yolk and a ring of blue-grey round it. Yuk
I’ve taken to following Simon Hopkinson’s instructions for preparing boiled eggs, they give me the right texture, these

Karadekoolaid, I think the French go more for oeufs mollets (tender eggs) than pochės, that’s an egg boiled just a bit more than a dippy egg so you you can peel it and put it in a sauce, but not hard boiled ... SApp_Other

I like various forms of omelette, a light French one, or an Indian omelette masala or frittatas

I like scrambled eggs and “eggy mush” - piperade, shakshuka and Kka’s parigo and the form of shakshuka with the eggs poached in the sauce, also poached egg on marmite toast

I have a box of duck eggs - two will go into a Burmese egg curry, any ideas for the rest?

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Re: Eggs - how do you like ´em?

Postby Badger's Mate » Sun May 10, 2020 11:42 am

I like them most ways. Particularly fond of Benedict and huevos rancheros, shakshuka and the variants thereof. I like fruit soufflées for afters, which are eggy, but perhaps not so eggy as lemon meringue pie. Custard. Batters.

More simply, fried, poached or scrambled. Less bothered about boiled, but quite like Scotch. Frittatas and tortilla. In Colombia I had a variant of the Venezuelan scrambled egg every morning for a fortnight. I varied it by seasoning with red chilli sauce, green chilli sauce, both or neither.

That whitebait dish sounds like the traditional way of cooking elvers, which I haven't had and is presumably frowned upon these days.

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Re: Eggs - how do you like ´em?

Postby scullion » Sun May 10, 2020 12:09 pm

egg fried rice.
fried egg sandwich - broken yolk, flipped and shaped to fit the bread.
spanish tortilla.
any way, really, as long as the white isn't snotty.

egg custard always reminds me of being ill when a kid - supplied by my great aunt who lived in the attic.
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Re: Eggs - how do you like ´em?

Postby Amyw » Sun May 10, 2020 12:11 pm

I absolutely love eggs . Like most people I like a fully cooked white but runny yolk.

I love the more substantial dishes such as huevos rancheros, tortilla , frittata with the advantage they can be eaten any time . I love a good quiche too, preferably with on,y one or two ingredients as the filling. Think they're a bit like pizzas, too much shoved in, just becomes a mess.

A good meringue is a beautiful thing but has to have that almost toffee texture in the middle . I think a pavlova is one of the most stunning desserts you can serve . Tesco finest meringue nests are very good and occasionally if I want something a bit decadent , I'll crush one into some extra thick double cream and add some sliced strawberries

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Re: Eggs - how do you like ´em?

Postby RockyBVI » Sun May 10, 2020 1:35 pm

I love eggs in any form - most regularly have omlette or scrambled. Also Gypsy eggs - you make up a tomato and chorizo sauce, crack the eggs into it and bung in the oven.

NLB - what a great memory of eggs mashed up in a cup! Might have to have that soon.

Also love a good egg mayonnaise.

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Re: Eggs - how do you like ´em?

Postby PatsyMFagan » Sun May 10, 2020 1:50 pm

After reading this thread, I was reminded that I hadn't had scrambled eggs for a while. I like mine very soft and not at all dry - I do mine in a glass jug in the microwave, set for 30 seconds, but checked every 10, until the right consitency. I am now back after enjoying them on a couple of slices of toasted (HM) bread. However, I really feel the need for something sweet after eating eggs, although no idea why.

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Re: Eggs - how do you like ´em?

Postby Earthmaiden » Sun May 10, 2020 2:13 pm

scullion wrote:egg custard always reminds me of being ill when a kid - supplied by my great aunt who lived in the attic.

Ditto! Mine was from my paternal grandmother who lived in the maisonette above us. I still can't face it on it's own but love custard tarts!

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Re: Eggs - how do you like ´em?

Postby Stokey Sue » Sun May 10, 2020 2:15 pm

Love crème caramel, which is egg custard dressed up a bit

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Re: Eggs - how do you like ´em?

Postby Seatallan » Sun May 10, 2020 2:27 pm

I do love a poached eggie. Mr S is blindingly good at poaching eggs. I love scrambled eggs too but we have a problem in that Mr S likes his scrambled egg so well cooked that you can cut it into slices and I like mine just off runny so I always have to cook them in two batches.

Another favorite of ours is 'Swiss Eggs' (or that's what I call them anyway). I've been making them a lot recently because we have loads of wild garlic pesto from my foraging walks in local woods. I grease a couple of ramikins and cover the bottoms with a layer of pesto. Break eggs on top and cover with grated cheese of your choice. Bung them in the oven for around 15 minutes until they're bubbling. :yum
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Re: Eggs - how do you like ´em?

Postby herbidacious » Sun May 10, 2020 3:48 pm

Eggs can make me feel sick in certain contexts e.g. eggs Florentine, egg with avocado. It's not conceptual, just a physical reaction - like cheese and onion pasties. The idea of these things is fine/good. So something sharp/spicy/salty to go with them works best for me.
That said, one egg on its own is always ok.
I especially like:
Boiled egg - ideally runny with salt, or soft/hard with good, salty butter. Prefer bread and butter to toast soldier, although not as dippable. There is a marvellous fancy pants version of this involving fat celeriac oven chips, a duck egg and celery salt. Can't remember who... edit: It's Alice Hart.
Poached. Nice on marmite toast. I think I like poached eggs particularly, because I have not mastered the art.
Shakshuka which is essentially poached with spice and a little sharpness?
Scrambled, definitely on the soft not dry side, using good salty butter and a dollop of creme fraiche and lots of black pepper.
E like a really good tortilla Espagnol, made with lots of olive oil so that it's moist, and not the dry affair that's often served up in the UK.
I love chilaquiles - or at least this version - which is the only one I've had. Best made with home fried tortilla chips. Now there's a dinner idea. Not made for ages.

I didn't really eat eggs for about ten years, then rediscovered them. Somewhat.

To me France and eggs = snotty omelette :o It is in the north, at least. Needs Dijon to make palatable.

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Re: Eggs - how do you like ´em?

Postby karadekoolaid » Mon May 11, 2020 4:29 am

Before I left this morning to help a friend who was making 75 paellas for "Mother´s Day" - over here, and in the USA, it´s the 2nd Sunday in May -, I posted ... but it´s disappeared.
Never mind.
NLB - I get a craving for an egg sandwich from time to time. I mean, a serious craving, because that´s what we used to eat at cricket matches.
When in Mexico over Xmas, I ate something called "Huevos Rancheros Tatemados" - the eggs were barely cooked over a roasted habanero pepper base and some refried beans. A bit "heavy" at 11am, but for a chilehead, absolutely marvellous with a Michelada - a beer mixed with clam juice and even more chiles.
Herbie; again, in Mexico, a friend´s mum taught me how to make real chilaquiles. I´d always made them like you, and loved them!Well - la señora took about 5-6 tomatillos (NOT tomatoes), a good handful of coriander, a large onion (over there, they´re usually white), a couple of serrrano chiles and salt. She barely covered the veg with water and brought it to a boil. She cooked the veg until the tomatillos had turned dark green. the mixture was then blended to make "salsa verde" -green sauce.
The tortilla chips - called "totopos" in Mexico - are basically stale, plain tortillas which have been fried. They sell them in huge packets in Mexico. A base of "totopos", green sauce over the top, a fried egg or two, a little grated cheese. Heaven.

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Re: Eggs - how do you like ´em?

Postby northleedsbhoy » Mon May 11, 2020 6:55 am

Sometimes I just get a hankering for a simple breakfast, or even lunch or dinner, of soft scrambled eggs and baked beans with bread and butter to mop up the sauce. Nothing else, just that. To me it’s one of my favourite comfort foods.

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