
Wildfood campsite

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby herbidacious » Wed Jul 08, 2020 10:08 am

That's very sad, Grassy. :newhuggy
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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby Gruney2 » Wed Jul 08, 2020 10:25 am

Yes - that's a tough one, Grassy. Just keep a watchful eye on her husband/partner - it will be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby herbidacious » Wed Jul 08, 2020 10:29 am

You are right Sue I would definitely ask advice.

One of the walls in our kitchen is a false/thin partition wall made when they created the downstairs loo, so nothing can by hung of it (currently have a big larder cupboard against it), the adjacent wall has two windows and a door in it going into the covered side of the house - the original external wall - with a radiator between the windows (currently have shelves, used for display rather than storage, above the radiator, a third wall has a large window and the sink, and the 'boiler' in one corner, and the fourth wall has the range cooker, and the wall cupboards (including the one that fell off. There is also a large 'beam' (presumably boxed off area containing goodness knows what cables etc) that runs across the ceiling and down the wall that can have wall cupboards on it.

We have a largeish kitchen table which is essential.

It's really very limiting but possibly a designer could improve on it.

We also have polished granite surfaces which it would be criminal to throw away.

Yes very wet and dull here too. Depressingly, the weather is set to be like this or similarly dull for the foreseeable. Warmer from the weekend but overcast. Did we have our summer in May? I need some pepper ripening sunshine!

A walk in the (wet) woods sounds nice, EM. I wish we had somewhere nice to walk round here.

Yes Für Elise is hackneyed and, of course, played to death (badly) at home. As a child I didn’t realize that Für was not fur… :)
A lot of things are spoilt by being overdone. I don’t think there is anything intrinsically bad about these pieces? Vivaldi's Four Seasons suffers from the same as does, for me Beethoven’s 5th, although perhaps I should revisit that as not all of it is overdone. I can cope with his 6th very nicely.
But would you really have *no* live music in the garden than Eine Kleine? I suppose my reaction to hackneyed classics is less violent. I don’t want to listen to them particularly, but I don’t *hate* them. I do really dislike harpsichord music though. And Telemann’s Tafelmusik really does irritate and eems to me to be aptly named if tacking the word ‘table’ onto something refers to its banality. I started doing music o’level and had to drop out due to a clash with Russian (!), so I think I might have started studying Eine Kleine. I know I listened to it a lot as a teenager.

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby Suffs » Wed Jul 08, 2020 11:13 am

I'm way ahead of myself this morning ... I got up early and did OH's flasks so he had time to do the outside jobs for me as the terrace is a bit 'slippery when wet' at the moment. So now the kitchen is clean and tidy and all the floors have been done ... I made bread yesterday, supper is Toad so nothing needs to be done this morning ... and I've walked down to the postbox in the drizzle to post Bro's birthday card ... a parcel containing Cornish Pasties by Post should arrive at the farm in time for The Big Day.

I think we can easily disregard some musical pieces that we've become very familiar with ... often the same old same old approach is adopted even by the best of performers/conductors ... 'we all know this one ... off we go' sort of thing ... then sometimes I hear a performance that gives a piece new energy and I realise just why a piece became so popular in the first place. And as for the harpsichord ... I had two friends who were harpsichord makers/restorers so they've always featured in my musical experience, I love the music of a good harpsichord ... and I worked for several years at a gallery and Early Music centre (now closed) where some of the world's finest players performed on the harpsichords there Watching and listening to Masaaki Suzuki play Bach Partitas on the harpsichord was a highlight of my musical life.
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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby Seatallan » Wed Jul 08, 2020 11:13 am

I'm rather partial to Mozart and I don't care so there! :D My nephew (professional French horn player) would be with PP & co.

Smitch- how exciting! And Sue, glad you and your BF didn't come to blows. My dear, deceased friend was like that. She just wouldn't back down bless her, whatever the evidence. Dear girl, there's never a day passes when I don't miss her.

Sunny here, though I think it is due to cloud over later. Time to hang out the washing....

See you later! :wave
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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby liketocook » Wed Jul 08, 2020 11:37 am

Good morning everyone,
Grassy :newhuggy :newhuggy
Cliched or not I adore Vivaldi's "Four Seasons", it was the first piece of classical music that ever engaged me and it's my go to if I'm feeling a bit down in the dumps.
It unexpectedly turned into a lovely day yesterday so I spent most of it gently pottering in the garden and enjoying the sunshine.
The forecast looks ok for today and as my back has eased a good bit I hope to finish the flower garden planting today. However, before I start on that I really must hoover and mop through, after all the manky weather my floors are a disgrace! :oops:

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby herbidacious » Wed Jul 08, 2020 1:20 pm

I love all of The Planets :)

Looks like we have drizzle /rain for the rest of the week :( I need to do some cutting back but it involves moving lots of pots, and I just don't fancy it in the rain. next Monday looks promising :o

I just bought a few 99p kindle cookery books on Amazon. (There are some good ones.) I don't like using digital cookery books, but thought it was a good way to sample them - will buy proper copies (possibly/probably not from Amazon) if I like them.)

Have also just booked crossings on the Euroshuttle for September to drive to house in France. Fingers crossed it happens. Now might be a better time to go, but can't possibly leave tthe garden (or the cats until after Basil's recovered - I do hope- from his op.)

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby scullion » Wed Jul 08, 2020 1:49 pm

good aftermorning, all.
overcast and possibly a bit damp here.
my brother says it's blue sky and 30+° down at his flat. we've just had a very long phone call catch up as he was too busy to talk last week. maybe he wanted the company as his partner was unable to get the time off to go with him. i am envious.
we ran out of gas while i was cooking soup for lunch yesterday. the supplier we normally use wasn't getting a delivery until today so my partner started phoning around. i pulled out my tiny tank, that i use for silver and glass, uncoupled the torch, fitted the regulator and carried on cooking, pointing out that rather than drive all the way into truro (again, after his appointment) we might as well use that and get the replacement as normal today. which also means that as he'll be passing the bakery he can buy some more bread flour (and possibly some gluten powder). two birds, one stone.
the kitchen that i've had made in the last year or so, herbi, was in the french mode of free standing units so can be moved/removed and positioned elsewhere if the need arrises. they go together like a fitted kitchen and have black granite surfaces (they are rather beautiful). i chose not to have wall cabinets but reconfigured a bit and have a walk in pantry (5'x6') for all the stuff that would have taken space on the wall. it makes the kitchen look larger without the 'eye clutter' at head height. the rooms i took the space for the pantry are reduced by a built in wardrobe (2'deep - that meant only a single bed could be put in that room - now it can have a double bed), and 3' from an 18' long living room that makes it a better use of the space. fortunately the walls were all stud walls so didn't take much effort or expense. my partner was very sceptical when i told him what i was going to do but was completely in agreement when he saw it taking shape.
maybe one of the things you could do is make a floorpan of the kitchen (or whole ground floor) to see if you could tweak or reconfigure some of it without too much expense.
have you tried abe books? i get some of the older cookbooks that i want from there as very good used copies can be had for a couple of quid including postage sometimes.
nothing planned but i suppose i should go and do some 'teddies' as i didn't get any done yesterday. then back to a sewing machine for some 'bra-work' that i haven't done for a few months.
have a good afternoon, everyone.

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby PatsyMFagan » Wed Jul 08, 2020 2:07 pm

Afternoon all :wave: :wave: :wave: This is the second time of posting ... I lost the lot just now, even managing to log myself off :roll: :? :thumbsdown

herbidacious wrote:I love all of The Planets :)

Have also just booked crossings on the Euroshuttle for September to drive to house in France. Fingers crossed it happens. Now might be a better time to go, but can't possibly leave tthe garden (or the cats until after Basil's recovered - I do hope- from his op.)

I also love The Planets ...

Herbi, I would think that Mr & Mrs Zosh can make the journey to Rhodes then driving to France should be a doddle :thumbsup

I too love The Four Seasons ... I came to notice Vivaldi's work when I watched the film of the same name, written/directed/produced and starring Alan Alda.

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby Uschi » Wed Jul 08, 2020 2:25 pm

Guten Tag! :mug: You can chase me with the Nachtmusik and Elise, but I adore the four seasons and Pachelbel's canon.
Most of the Mozart pieces one hears are too frilly for my taste, but his oboe concert is sublime.
When you take the train from Wuppertal to Cologne you cross the Rhine and I had this playing while gazing out onto Father Rhine Magic1 and it seemed very fitting. Alas, once you hit the bustle of the station the mood evaporates.

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby KeenCook2 » Wed Jul 08, 2020 3:07 pm

Quick hello, lots to read back on, will do it later.

We're just about to watch the latest play from the NT to cheer us up, having just taken DS to Heathrow. He's flying to Spain to join his GF and do some filming, and we have no idea when he'll next be in London :(

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby icelesley » Wed Jul 08, 2020 3:32 pm

Good Afternoon Campers. The man from the kitchen company that does the measuring up designs for the kitchen is coming on Monday to chat and see what we are thinking, then he will design and send us a 3D show online. Then we get an invitation to the factory to see all the different choices of everything from units to floor covering, taps, handles and work tops and everything. Then they work out a price :shock: it's so exciting, I am going for ultra modern I think. At the moment its country style with a big range cooker, I want something sleek and easy to keep clean, the old back isn't what it used to be. :lol:

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby mistakened » Wed Jul 08, 2020 3:57 pm

Afternoon Campers, back from Pissouri, I had hoped to buy some apricots from the fruit farm but all their trees have been harvested. I will try elsewhere tomorrow. The early grapes have appeared but have no flavour yet.


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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby Earthmaiden » Wed Jul 08, 2020 4:07 pm

It was nice you were able to see your DS during the tedious lockdown KC2 :newhuggy.

We had a lovely walk, the forecast suggested it would pour all morning but it didn't. Just a bit of drizzle and only one short period when I put my mac on (thank goodness, it was like a sauna!). I too like being out in damp trees sometimes, it smells nice.

Exciting icey! :bounce:. Herbi, it doesn't sound as though you disliked your kitchen before the cupboard fell down and the wall looked quite robust so maybe you could just have someone to mend/replace the bits that need it if it's not the right time for a huge revamp. It could look quite fresh and nice afterwards.

At boarding school, there were pianos stuffed in every room imaginable and a rota showing where each girl would practice after school each day. Between 4pm and 7pm the excruciating attempts at well-known pieces could be heard wherever one went, some I have not been able to take seriously since. I imagine that it must be the same only worse if you teach music.

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby Jrc123 » Wed Jul 08, 2020 4:48 pm

Hello. Woke up in a state today. My left leg is huge, red, itchy and very painful. I remember getting bitten by some sort of thing yesterday morning whilst waiting for moo to have a wee. The bite has obviously gone septic in the night.

I have a B12 jab at the surgery just before 5pm but wasn’t sure if they could prescribe antibiotics then.

Was on the phone by 8 am and they sent me a link to photograph both legs for a comparison. By 8.30 I had the doc on the phone prescribing antibiotics, also got to take piriton and paracetamol. Late morning I went to lay on the bed. Woke up and thought it was about 1 o clock and found it was 3pm. :oops: :lol:

Big hugs to grassy’s friend.

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby scullion » Wed Jul 08, 2020 4:54 pm

ouch, keep an eye on it...

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby Jrc123 » Wed Jul 08, 2020 5:04 pm

Will do. About six years ago I had a similar bite on my stomach. It took about eight weeks of antibiotics and three trips to a & e (told to go there by 111) so very concerned to get this treated quickly. :newhuggy

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby herbidacious » Wed Jul 08, 2020 5:08 pm

Pat, any doubt expressed about going to France is more regarding subsequent lockdowns, here or in France. Driving should be fine. I assume there will be somewhere to go to the loo en route. They were much stricter in France than here, initially. You couldn't just go out to the shops. You had to fill in forms. I'd really hate to be stuck in the house there. Did it once back in 2007 (no car and alone for three weeks on and off.) If it's raining, which it usually is, it's dark and miserable in the house. Plus not being able to get home would be very bad from a work and cats point of view. We will reassess nearer the time. You can change the crossing for up to a year. Am wondering if we will get to use our flights to Berlin, though before next April/and or if we will feel safe to go to the gig rescheduled for November.

Scully we can't make the kitchen bigger without losing the downstairs loo. I love having a downstairs loo (it's a tiny one. Possible walk-in larder sized though.) I don't know how we managed without. I already have a HUGE larder cupboard. Having lost a load of storage space the other week it's difficult. We have boxes of stuff (including food) on the floor. The worst thing is not having things I need to access/use on a daily basis at eye level though.

We won't stay in this house forever. I am aiming for doors and drawer fronts that don't fall off. And indeed cupboards that don't fall off...

JRC that sounds horrid.

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby dennispc » Wed Jul 08, 2020 5:11 pm

We had our kitchen done about 30 years ago, not worth us changing now, particularly as two walls have doors and third a window, gives a garden view. Cupboards on one side, go right to the ceiling, back then we lost storage space on top, but now that’s a blessing as we don’t have to clean the dust off. Built in cooker was changed ten years ago to a Neff double oven. For some reason we paid a lot of money then to have shelf sliders. Such a good move now, particularly when we want to baste meats.

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby halfateabag » Wed Jul 08, 2020 5:24 pm

Penned a post earlier today but it's been an admin day on the computer so lost it.

Kitchens are so personal. A good plan is needed...

Herb. we were not challenged until Bulgaria/Greece - all the rules are mostly the same...... for EU, some countries are just glad to see you pass through.... France was one of them.

The villa purchase is now in process....... Still having a tear here and there.... can't quite believe it.... Still a long way to go yet...

Another beach visit today, mostly under an umbrella, too hot to sit in the sun. Sea is blissful and refreshing and very very blue!!!!


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