
Wildfood campsite

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby Lusciouslush » Tue Jul 07, 2020 1:53 pm

Only ever seen a cockroach once years ago when we were staying in an Athens hotel, we'd bought some scrummy-looking pastries when out shopping to eat later & brought them back to our room in the brown paper bag which we slung on the dressing table.
It started making a crackling noise as only brown paper can & moving - yep - out ran this ugly enormous thing ( I hadn't a clue what it was!)

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby aero280 » Tue Jul 07, 2020 2:29 pm

Those of us with long memories (for the moment, anyway :o ) may remember the American chain of icecream shops, called Dayville, which opened in the 1970's. There were a few around London.

They promoted a special flavour each week. So every Monday morning the shop would display a banner across the window like "Flavour of the week: Blueberry"

One Monday after some publicity in the local press, the banner read: "Flavour of the week: Crunchy Cockroach"... :o :o (but not for long!)

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby herbidacious » Tue Jul 07, 2020 2:31 pm

How very Monty Python (although that was chocolates).

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby Pampy » Tue Jul 07, 2020 2:33 pm

Jrc123 wrote:
On another side, I have a property which is empty. I have engaged a reputable agent to do a tenant find. They have come up with an apparently excellent candidate who is self employed. Apparently he works all hours and in theory has sufficient funds to rent the place.

My alarm bells are ringing as he is unable to provide me with a tax return for proof of income ( self employed ) and also we have trawled the internet and am unable to find evidence of him or his business ANYWHERE.

Also, if you think we have lived in this area virtually all my life I don’t ever recall seeing his van advertising his business.

We have three other candidates interested so my gut instinct is to move on and look at the other potentials. I would rather have the property empty for a couple of weeks and have the right tenant rather than the first tenant. Would appreciate your thoughts. :newhuggy

I'd most definitely move on to other candidates. When I went to live in The Netherlands, I rented my flat out to, on paper, a suitable (self-employed) candidate. He wrecked the flat and stole things from it and never paid any rent after the initial deposit. It took ages to get a court order to have him evicted and it was an expensive process. As well as the expense, it was a soul-destroying experience. Go with your gut feeling, which seems to be to avoid him like the plague - imho, it's not worth the risk.

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby scullion » Tue Jul 07, 2020 2:43 pm

i'm wondering as to why the demographic is different between the range and homebase - they have a slight crossover on merchandise and maybe a little cheaper but about half the people (including me) in the range were wearing masks and i was the only one wearing one in homebase. admittedly there were fewer in the latter but statistically, if all other criteria were equal, there should have been a few more.
there is no sign of the full sun we were promised so the bread machine will get an airing.
i remember dayville's. a friend introduced me to their daiquiri flavour and pistachio flavour. having had neither of those items before i couldn't compare with the real thing but i was unimpressed by them. not enough flavour if you ask me - maybe the cockroach flavour would have had more!
Pampy wrote: never paid any rent after the initial deposit. It took ages to get a court order to have him evicted and it was an expensive process. As well as the expense, it was a soul-destroying experience.

just the same had happened to a caller to the you and yours programme on radio 4 this lunchtime. the tennant owed nine grand and the solicitors fees were so far up to seven grand - and covid means they can't do anything to remove them at the moment anyway.
Last edited by scullion on Tue Jul 07, 2020 2:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby herbidacious » Tue Jul 07, 2020 2:46 pm

One would hope the at the agent would see this as a problem...

But our agents tried tpo persaude us to take out a reduced price insurance policy though them at the beginning of lockdown - against rent payment failure. It was a policy on which you could not claim on the first three months (at the itme we didn't think lockdown would last that long!) and which required one to take out an eviction order (which, a) we would not do; and b) we could not do due to the swift change in law that has just been made). i.e. agents, alas, I suppose primarily look after their own interests.

I am really surprised that our tenants have not, so far, asked for a 'rent holiday'. It may yet happen.

Crossed posts Scullion. Not heard of the range?

I am feeling so sleepy. Meeting soon though.

Smitch :newhuggy

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby karadekoolaid » Tue Jul 07, 2020 2:57 pm

Good afternoon to you all !(It´s morning here).
Looks like it´s going to be one of those days. It began pouring with rain over an hour ago and it has not stopped . Then there was a brief power cut (NOT a good sign). STILL no TV, no fridge (well I´ve got a small one) and no car ( brake pump). And still the same old inefficiency from the dictatorship as Virus cases rise steadily.
Ah well - since I have to stay indoors today I´m going to write up some recipes. Properly, with measurements and all!

Cockroaches - we´ve got them all over the place and failure to put poison down for them has dire consequences. Ours are about 1-11/2 inches long... :shock: :shock:
Ants - well we´ve got these little fellows called "Leaf-eater ants" who will strip a plant stark naked in about an hour. Then there are some other ants called "bachacos" who actually chew the leaves - same result. Ant powder is obligatory in my garden. Then there are the square-headed wood ants. They´ve got a really nasty bite - feels like being stabbed with a hot needle - so need to be avoided. And there are little, tiny, eeny-weeny ants that always seem to be in the kitchen. Harmless, but anything sugary/sticky gets invaded within minutes.
And did I mention flying beetles? Or scorpions? :gonzo :gonzo

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby Earthmaiden » Tue Jul 07, 2020 3:15 pm

Smitch :newhuggy. I once read an article which quoted a private doctor saying that there wasn't any reason why women should suffer any of the problems they do right from puberty to old age. At the time I was being seen by GP and hospital for something related and wondered if I was rich and offered the best doctors and consultants whether my treatment might have been somewhat different and not so prolonged.

The clientele in The Range and Homebase here (until our two branches closed last year) is totally different. I doubt the two would ever come across each other socially. I have only been to M&S Food and Waitrose since March and probably less than a third of the customers there wear masks but there is plenty of space. I wish they'd make it mandatory in shops, then people, me included, wouldn't feel so self-conscious.

You paint such a lovely picture KK :lol: .

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby PatsyMFagan » Tue Jul 07, 2020 3:29 pm

My first encounter with cockroaches was on arrival in Hong Kong in 1973 for the start of a 2 year posting for the ex who was in the Navy. Our first flat was on the 19th floor of 'Pearl City Mansions', above a cinema and shopping complex. I already had a phobia of spiders and so it was with some trepidation that I went at all (scared imoji ?) A couple of days after moving in, hubby found a cockroach, about 2 inches long, in the top corner of the kitchen. Armed with a can of Raid, and with me 2 paces behind him, he took aim and the thing turned and flew straight at him !!! . (terrified imoji ?)

I spent the rest of my time in Hong Kong being terrified of them, not helped by an encounter in the lift (non-stop for 10 floors) with one on the wall ! However, I never saw a spider the whole time I was there (or a snake in the wild) and came home with no phobia for them. :thumbsup

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby Suffs » Tue Jul 07, 2020 3:35 pm

This morning I made the bread, pricked out and potted on seedlings and young plants, and then dug some new potatoes for supper before remembering we had planned to have noodles with the salmon and spinach ... so as I wanted to eat the potatoes freshly dug rather than saved for even a day, I cut a lettuce, cooked the potatoes and we had a potato and chive salad for lunch :yum Then I had to dash out and get the washing in 'cos the heavens decided to open again

I've posted a letter to step-grand daughter A for their first wedding anniversary. She's the nearest I have to a grand daughter and she borrowed my pearls to wear for her wedding ... they were from a very good jewellers and a present from my parents for my 18th ... I would have passed them to DD but she says she's not a 'pearl sort of girl' and they are very much the sort of necklace that should be worn around a beautiful young throat ... I never wear them any more as my neck isn't slim enough for them to look right, so with DD's blessing I've written to A giving her the pearls. I hope she likes them. She's a lovely young woman who has spent a lot of time with DD and her Lovely Hub and they're very proud of her ... she and her husband (a head of geography no less but he only looks about 18!) have just bought their first home in Brighton ... A teaches 'difficult' youngsters; children with behavioural difficulties, (some from very difficult backgrounds)and school refusers ... she loves it.

Then I finished a little painting of Southwold Harbour that I'm using as a card for Bro's birthday on the 10th. I'm quite pleased with it ... it's quite a departure for me ... not the sort of thing I usually do ... my usual work is very large semi-abstract and usually in oils whereas this is A5 and in gouache and sort of landscape ... but I'm quite pleased with it and I can do it without hurting my neck and shoulder too much which is a definite bonus :limbobanana
Last edited by Suffs on Tue Jul 07, 2020 3:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby Seatallan » Tue Jul 07, 2020 3:37 pm

I agree about facemaks EM.

There was a local branch of The Range when we lived in Reading and I used it often. Not quite so super as Homesense but if you're prepared to rummage around a bit there are all sorts of bargains to be had. There's a branch in Carlisle but it isn't as large as the Reading one.

On the other hand, Carlisle has a very splendid branch of Dunelm.... :thumbsup
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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby Stokey Sue » Tue Jul 07, 2020 3:51 pm

One of the advantages of doing biology is that I dissected a cockroach for A-level zoology so much as I dislike having them around they don’t worry me that much, though naturally I dislike the “dotting”, the little spotted trails they leave

The landscape sounds good Suffs :clap

I have been for my walk, saw the swan nest with 5 cygnets, they are still quite small her first clutch failed, probably because it was just too early and she couldn’t keep them warm

My new pillow was delivered just before I went out, so looking forward to going to bed!

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby halfateabag » Tue Jul 07, 2020 4:26 pm

Afternoon all, my you lot have been busy ! Thoughts to those who have aches & pains and tiredness...

Well, we docked at 9.15am, neither of us got much sleep in the chairs, will not bother with them on the way back....Drove to Villa Telika (it means Eventually in Greek). It's even better in the flesh and the village has a lovely Greek homely feel to it. I did have a teary moment on arrival. We moved in and then fled to the beach for a swim. Grey/light brown sand and shingle beach, virtually deserted.... The water was divine, very blue and warm. Even a shower at the beach. Not a taverna, sunbed or umbrella in sight, beautiful mountain backdrop. Absolutely perfect ! Not many places open to eat due to CV and strangely not a mask in sight. Everyone had them on the boat and signs saying they were compulsory. We found a kebab place that had locals eating there. Huge portions ! Again, enough for another meal each ! At this rate, we will be bringing meals home !!! Finished with an ice cream.....Mmmm Praline and cream. Brought some brown country bread for brekkie tomorrow.

Not a sign of any cockroaches...........A few minuscule ants..... I have done a load of washing and it should be dry in a minute !!! The pool is covered and we will not be able to use it. Next door is an orchard with olive, pomegranate, and a citrus tree also the loquat that I know of from other Med. holidays. There is a cockerel and 2 hens.....I can live with that. Quite rural and the locals are friendly.

So it's a YES from me, dependant on a spell using the kitchen. The outside has rosemary, mint, oleander, bougenvillia(sp) and hibiscus, oh, and jasmine. Low maintenance garden with the sea in the distance from most of the villa. The other villa is set back from this one, not seen at all from here. This one has everything on my tick list and some..... When we are back to flying :crossed there are flights from Bristol, it is an easy commute from Rhodes airport. 5 minutes from Lindos :D I think the best bit is that it is the sort of place that could be a permanent home as well as a holiday home..... Some I looked at were just too small for permanent living.

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby aero280 » Tue Jul 07, 2020 4:34 pm

I see that HMRC have covered themselves in glory. They have decreed that all people having compulsory Covid tests at work are receiving "benefit in kind" and will be taxed on the cost having these tests. :roll:

The Chancellor is said to be looking into the matter urgently.

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby mistakened » Tue Jul 07, 2020 5:04 pm

Good Afternoon Campers, we have been without the internet since yesterday lunchtime, no idea why.
We have to watch out for cockroaches, we buy some lethal stuff, probably illegal. It goes down all the plug holes and lavatories as they seem to come from the septic tank.

Glad to read that the new villa meets with your approval, Zosh. Is there enough storage space?


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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby Stokey Sue » Tue Jul 07, 2020 5:06 pm

Sounds lovely Zosh

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby Seatallan » Tue Jul 07, 2020 6:13 pm

Zosh, it sounds positively idyllic.... :thumbsup :D
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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby herbidacious » Tue Jul 07, 2020 6:20 pm

Sounds gorgeous, Zosh.

I am being treated to a flute duet from neighbours this evening. They are rehearsing, by the sound of it, so a little stopping and starting, but still beautiful. I don't recognize the music.

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby Pepper Pig » Tue Jul 07, 2020 6:32 pm

Eine Kleine is a string composition.. Not sure why they’re playing it on the flute unless they are in a bubble with a diverse group of musicians. I suppose that’s likely. It’s probably my most hated Mozart piece and there are very few. I think I did it for O level.

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby KeenCook2 » Tue Jul 07, 2020 6:55 pm

Pepper Pig wrote:Eine Kleine is a string composition.. Not sure why they’re playing it on the flute unless they are in a bubble with a diverse group of musicians. I suppose that’s likely. It’s probably my most hated Mozart piece and there are very few. I think I did it for O level.

:lol: That takes me back!

When I was at the RCM I had a string quartet (we were all girls) and we had a regular job every week at Charco's Wine Bar, off the Kings Road.
We got paid, were able to have a meal and played string quartets to entertain the diners.

After a few weeks we were told we couldn't have the cold salmon or the roast beef from the self-serve buffet as we took too much :oops: I must admit, we did eat for the week, and it was the sort of food we certainly didn't get anywhere else.

We were regularly bought bottles of wine by the punters and as we got more inebriated throughout the evening, our rendition of Eine Kleine Nachtmusik got faster and faster, and faster ...


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