
Wildfood campsite

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby herbidacious » Mon Jun 29, 2020 12:35 pm

It's *very* windy here. I don’t like it.
Tomatoes are getting a bit out of control and thus are top heavy - and are sucking up water from the tanks like nobody's business. I think I last filled them on Thursday. They hold 30l. If the ones on the balcony topple, they will be caught by the balustrade, but it will be a pain, and not sure how to stop it happening again… if it does. Some green tomatoes are falling off, but I just ate my first two ripe ones.
I think this wind is set to be strong on and off all week :(
I am a bit inclined towards anxiety I realize, as I am in usual pre-mother mode, alas, with a dollop of coronavirus fear and door may or may not be being replaced worry. I need to try and get a better perspective. If the door doesn't happen, we will just go for the day. Maybe this would be the best way forward anyway... but on the other hand if we can shoehorn a little Derbyshire time in, that might be of some benefit.

Sorry. Blabbering. I should probably not drink any more coffee today...

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby scullion » Mon Jun 29, 2020 12:58 pm

good morning, all.
brightly overcast with a bit of a breeze.
nothing planned and although i do keep trying to ignore the level of squalor that's creeping in i know i'm going to have to do something about it soon - unless i leave it to see if him indoors has a level that even he won't go beyond. don't be ridiculous, i tell myself.
i do know he has cleaned the bath at least once - he bought this (theoretically) amazing surface/cream cleaner - that took the shine from the enamel of the bit of the bath he tried with it.
but he has just bought me a cup of coffee so maybe not a complete savage.
i have just been told that there's no more sewing needing to be done for the hub. lets hope there will be another run of good weather, during which i won't need to be stuck indoors sewing!
have a good day, all.

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby KeenCook2 » Mon Jun 29, 2020 1:40 pm

Looks like DS is leaving us next week, having been here since mid-March. He's going to join his GF in Spain and they're going to look for somewhere to live in Barcelona. She left London to visit her parents near Madrid a couple of weeks ago.
They had planned to return to Mexico where they'd been living but it's really not the right place to be atm and they've given up their accommodation there.

Back to an empty house for OH and me! (Other son is in LA.)

DS had been great for getting bits and pieces of shopping in between supermarket deliveries, but at least the priority delivery slots are being kept on.

Pat, I re-read the shielding letter and realised that part of my confusion stemmed from 4th July for things to open again for everyone else and 6th July, which is apparently the date we can do more.
Then on 1st August it's back to 'normal' ...

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby herbidacious » Mon Jun 29, 2020 2:21 pm

scullion wrote:...although i do keep trying to ignore the level of squalor that's creeping in i know i'm going to have to do something about it soon - unless i leave it to see if him indoors has a level that even he won't go beyond. don't be ridiculous, i tell myself.

Same here on both counts.
I have the extra problems that: on the rare occasions he does something, he doesn't do it properly/well; he does do it angrily and often breaks things; I can say goodbye to anything he 'tidies' away.

Actually, while mine tolerates his own mess, he gets crossed with what he regards as mine (which is often/usually his).

I managed to make our kitchen bearable yesterday, at least. He is complaining about lack of space for glasses and mugs (what few we have) and I agree it's annoying not to have things at eye level (although my eye leve is his chest level....) Will have to sort something else out somehow.

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby slimpersoninside » Mon Jun 29, 2020 2:36 pm

Deleted, may have come across a bit snotty in writing.

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby scullion » Mon Jun 29, 2020 2:39 pm

as a temporary measure, is there any chance of getting a shelving unit, from screw fix or somewhere, that can go on top of the counter (as long as that's strong enough)? you could adjust the shelves to accommodate the things underneath and put the others at heights that suit you.
they're only £20-£30 and can be used in the shed/garden/garage/outhouse etc when not needed in the kitchen any more. they may not be very pretty but could fit the purpose for a while.

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby karadekoolaid » Mon Jun 29, 2020 2:55 pm

Good afternoon to you all.
Well if it´s any condolence , I´m struggling to keep up with the cleaning here. Sons are in USA and UK, wife and other (disabled) son stranded in Switzerland, so it´s up to me and the dog to keep this place clean. Yesterday I completely dismembered both fridges, cleaned them from top to bottom with fridge cleaner (that´s what it said on the bottle) and then put everything back with a smug smile; until I walked into the front room and saw an insiduous layer of dust on the floor, on the tables, on the bookshelves - everywhere. The difference, perhaps, between houses in the Tropics and houses in England is (because of the heat, probably) that everything is far more open plan here, so any dirt that enters goes absolutely everywhere. Not to mention that the onset of the rainy season brings in all manner of insects, flies and huge dopey beetles. Ah well, I´ll just have to make another trip to the supermarket this morning and buy some more "cleaning" things.
This week marks the onset of severe lockdown. We can´t even go from one parish to another without facing a police cordon. Arrghh. Still, I´ve got plenty to do in the garden and at least the supermarket is within walking distance.

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby mistakened » Mon Jun 29, 2020 3:06 pm

[quote="karadekoolaid"]The difference, perhaps, between houses in the Tropics and houses in England is (because of the heat, probably) that everything is far more open plan here, so any dirt that enters goes absolutely everywhere. [quote]
I know what you mean about dust, dust clouds from North Africa are such a problem that we get dust warnings in the same way as we get weather warnings.

They have almost finished clearing the garden, my only complaint is that in trimming back the yucca I will not be able to see shadows its sword shaped leaves on my bedroom blind at night.


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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby Busybee » Mon Jun 29, 2020 3:16 pm

Whilst ironing yesterday my ironing board collapsed. The weld had shorn away on the foot. A quick calculation put it at least 34 years old.

In normal times I’m sure I could possibly got someone local to reweld it but in a rush of blood to the head I decided to hang the expense and go to Lakeland to get another.
I also had a voucher for Charles Clinkards, and they have a sale on, so an expedition beckoned.

Arrived in Northallerton to find Lakeland still shut, are they all shut still? Anyone’s open? Disaster averted as the local independent department store was open And ironing board was bought in the sale.

I forgot the Clinkards voucher, which was just as well as they didn’t have the usual boots that OH wears, so nothing lost there. In between both shops lies Bettys, a couple of cakes were purchased, as it’s very important to support local businesses ;)
Well, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

Called in to the aquatic plant place for another oxygenating plant for the pond and home all within a couple of hours. Made a nice change, the high street was fairly busy but everyone was social distancing and polite. Didn’t feel scared. Helps that we went in the car, so no public transport issues.


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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby Pepper Pig » Mon Jun 29, 2020 4:16 pm

ISO BB, Grassy and Seatallan! ... hire-dales

This looks great!!!

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby Busybee » Mon Jun 29, 2020 4:37 pm

That looks a great day out PP, it’s on the to do list.

For anyone who doesn’t know the area Skipton is a great market town with lots to do and a fabulous market.

I’ve only spent a couple of hours in Abbleby, passing through but it is very pretty.

As we have cancelled our Cornwall holiday for later this summer, I think days out are the way to go. We have rolled our booking over until September next year, fingers crossed I can get the dialysis booked in Truro for mum, unfortunately they don’t take any bookings until November of the preceding year. The holiday company were very accommodating, especially when we explained about having to have dialysis in place.

Another year without a proper cream tea........sigh.


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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby miss mouse » Mon Jun 29, 2020 4:52 pm

Busybee wrote:Another year without a proper cream tea........sigh.


Oh dear, that is disappointing.

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby scullion » Mon Jun 29, 2020 5:04 pm

aww, shame, but i do think you are being sensible.
we have had very few new cases and no deaths (in hospital) recorded down here for the last few weeks but the likelihood of further waves for everywhere isn't off the cards.
from recent news reports there seems to be a section of society with no sense of social responsibility that would protect the more vulnerable so with the lifting of lockdown and return of schools i would expect another peak come september. i hope i'm wrong.
see you next year.

buy the components, sit in the garden with everything on a table, get the hose/sprinkler going and turn a big fan on - you'd hardly notice the difference for the next few days!

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby PatsyMFagan » Mon Jun 29, 2020 5:14 pm

KeenCook2 wrote:
DS had been great for getting bits and pieces of shopping in between supermarket deliveries, but at least the priority delivery slots are being kept on.

Pat, I re-read the shielding letter and realised that part of my confusion stemmed from 4th July for things to open again for everyone else and 6th July, which is apparently the date we can do more.
Then on 1st August it's back to 'normal' ...

Ah, thanks KC ... you have confirmed my understanding of the wording :thumbsup

Yes, my daughter gets bits and pieces for me too :thumbsup I do forget things when I am only creating a list for delivery every 2 weeks - like onions :oops: :roll:

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby Earthmaiden » Mon Jun 29, 2020 6:03 pm

I can't imagine using any form of shared transport for fun at the moment. I'm very concerned that all the popular nice places are going to be overrun with people.

Since lockdown I have discovered four new places to walk, all lovely and within a mile or so of my house that I had no idea were there, despite having lived in this area for nearly 50 years. Who needs to travel? :lol:.

I think cream teas can be replicated at home quite well. Actually, they seem to be big business for home delivery. Round here people are lapping them up, a couple of scones with jam & cream, a couple of white bread sandwiches and a bit of cake delivered a short distance for £30.

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby karadekoolaid » Mon Jun 29, 2020 7:10 pm

in trimming back the yucca I will not be able to see shadows its sword shaped leaves on my bedroom blind at night.

I had a yucca plant in the garden, next to the "summerhouse" (which is actually my gardening den). It got well out of control; some of the branches were 7-8 mts high, when there was a strong breeze, they´d break off and fall dangerously close to my orchids and it was infested with some kind of dense spiderweb thing which I couldn´t reach to fumigate. One day (about 4 months ago) I called my gardener and he chopped it down. It took him and his son almost all day, but when he´d finished, I was left with a huge, fat trunk about 2 mts thick! I´ve been hacking away at it since lockdown and cleaning the ´orrible weeds and roots all around it.
The good news is, I´ve now got a potential 9 mt2 of new garden to grow things. I´m going to use the trunk (what´s left of it) for the blackberries, beans and cucumbers to climb, so I´m a happy (Wildfood)camper! I can grow some more tomatoes, peppers and aubergines there.
This lockdown is extremely frustrating and dangerous. In Latin America, cases have shot up over the past few weeks; firstly with Brazil and now with Perú, Chile and Mexico. Over the weekend our "government" ordered a strict lockdown and imposed positively draconian measures on movement. NO traffic at all on Saturdays and Sundays and threats of arrest for not using masks,etc. :shock: :shock: :shock:
My neighbour took me down to the local village to buy dog food this morning - about 4 kms away - first time I´ve been out of my immediate zone for 6 weeks. Scary.

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby aero280 » Mon Jun 29, 2020 10:13 pm

I took a chance on Ikea today. Resolved to either stay in the queue, or check out the queue for click & collect and, if that was short, I'd come home and order online for tomorrow. In the event it wasn't too bad. The queue looked quite long, but they let people in in batches of 50. So I only queued for 15 mins.

I went on my own and picked up stuff on my own and brought it home. It rather proves the point that Ikea were wrong to refuse to deliver this stuff back in March because they had restricted deliveries to items that could be delivered by one man working alone.

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby Pampy » Tue Jun 30, 2020 12:04 am

Busybee wrote:Whilst ironing yesterday my ironing board collapsed. The weld had shorn away on the foot. A quick calculation put it at least 34 years old.

In normal times I’m sure I could possibly got someone local to reweld it but in a rush of blood to the head I decided to hang the expense and go to Lakeland to get another.

Arrived in Northallerton to find Lakeland still shut, are they all shut still? Anyone’s open? Disaster averted as the local independent department store was open And ironing board was bought in the sale.

My ironing board was bought second-hand in 1985 and still going strong (although I do use it as little as possible)!
Lakeland are opening their stores gradually. I am on their mailing list and they've been keeping people updated on progress of the openings. As things are still volatile, they suggest phoning to see if a store is open before travelling.

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby herbidacious » Tue Jun 30, 2020 12:09 am

I still have the one I bought when I left home/ went into first non hall of residence address. It was a cheap one. Probably Argos. The rubber feet have fallen off so it potentially scratches the floor, but otherwise it’s fine. Mind yo, can’t say it’s had that much use over the years... :)
I think my mother has owned two.
How do, they make money out of these things?!

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby Earthmaiden » Tue Jun 30, 2020 1:24 am

I bought mine in 1985. It's a metal one and there's rust on part of it. I have always hated it having only experienced wooden ones before that, which I preferred. Several times I've considered buying a new one but I iron as little as possible these days - and the price of a new one is eyewatering. I did all the family ironing on the table for a long time, it was fine.

I've been getting Lakeland updates too. My nearest is in Dobbies in Cirencester - it's already open but I am still avoiding shops as much as I can.


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