
Inspirational cookery writers

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Inspirational cookery writers

Postby Binky » Tue Jul 09, 2019 2:47 pm

I have to clear out my cookery books, I have far too many. However, I cannot let go of Claudia Roden, Rose Elliott, Delia Smith, and The Three Sisters.

Lorraine Pascal, Deliciously Ella, some Jamie Olivers and a few Leon will be going to the charity shop. Bought for their colourful pages and novelty value, but not much cop with great recipes.

Who would you keep or dispose of from your own bookshelf?

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Re: Inspirational cookery writers

Postby Joanbunting » Tue Jul 09, 2019 3:34 pm

Just over a year ago I Ireduced my cookery book collection from well over 800 to about half that number. It wasn't hard really, if I hadn't opened it since I got it it went out straight away. If I hadn't made a recipe from it it followed. The hard ones were those I kept for purely sentimental reasons.

What I knew I had to keep was anything written by Elizabeth David, Jane Grigson, Robert Carrier, Rick Stein, Keith Ffloyd, Clodia Roden and Madar Jafrey to which I've added Yotam Ottolengh and books like Persianial. , Add to that things like Larousse Gastronimic, the Joy of Cooking and some of the French classics. I also had and still have a large number of very old books and leaflets. We are very lucky to have had a library made with custom made shelves and storage .M has a huge collection of family history documents, family archives and books and we have a large collection of CDs

To be absolutely truthful I didn't buy many of the the books I threw out , because when I was working I was sent loads of review copies.
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Re: Inspirational cookery writers

Postby Stokey Sue » Tue Jul 09, 2019 3:51 pm

I liked Lorraine Pascal until she did Fast Fresh and Easy Food on TV. First recipe was for limes hollowed out and filled with packet jelly mixed with vodka. Didn’t think it fit the brief.

Inspirations are E David, J Grigson, C Roden, Anissa Helou (Lebanese), Madhur Jaffrey, Constance Spry / Rosemary Hume, Fuchsia Dunlop, Rick Stein

Then there are the odd books that are one-offs rather than part of an author’s work for example the Riverford Organics book that has at least a couple of methods of cooking every veg you can think of, and a few more

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Re: Inspirational cookery writers

Postby Pepper Pig » Tue Jul 09, 2019 5:44 pm

I wouldn’t be without Delia, Nigella, Simon Hopkinson or Jamie Oliver at the moment but that’s because those are the books I’m using now my husband is ill. He won’t eat anything spicy at all and has numerous food dislikes.

I do have to cull my cookery books and am doing them whenever I go to Pinner to the charity shop. I am due a visit this week. My Heston Blumenthal and Gordon Ramsay books are going. I can’t imagine I’ll ever cook that fussily again.

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Re: Inspirational cookery writers

Postby Gillthepainter » Tue Jul 09, 2019 5:56 pm

I'll always keep my Keith Floyd books.

2 books I'll probably get rid of next. The Silver Spoon (Spanish and Italian).
It felt like I was getting a lot for my money, they're so massive and full. But I never use them.

Bill Granger and Jose Pizarro are my most used at the moment.

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Re: Inspirational cookery writers

Postby Binky » Tue Jul 09, 2019 6:30 pm

I find it very interesting that Keith Floyd has been mentioned twice.

I always thought he was rude and greasy show-off (based on the TV shows) and have never read his books. Seems I've missed out.

How could I forget Nigella? She has a permanent place on the shelves - I have around five of her books. She does 'borrowk from people though - I love her orange and almond cake, but found that it was an old Claudia Roden recipe.

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Re: Inspirational cookery writers

Postby Amyw » Tue Jul 09, 2019 6:40 pm

Nigella normally does credit her “inspirations “ in the foreword . I love her and Nigel Slaters books are great to read , he’s a very warm and engaging writer , though a lot of his books can be more suggestions of things to put together , rather than complete recipes .

I think JO books are hit and miss . I usually prefer the earlier ones he did . I always thought Lorraine Pascale was a bit of a gimmick . All the wellness writers such as Deliciously Ella and the Helmsley sisters are very dull I think .

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Re: Inspirational cookery writers

Postby Stokey Sue » Tue Jul 09, 2019 6:48 pm

Nigella does credit Claudia Roden with the orange & almond cake, and she tweaked it a fair bit

Also it’s worth noting that virtually every home Baker in the Middle East has a version, I knew it long before Nigella got to it and before I read Claudia, via a Danish colleague brought up in Amman. These things are seldom original.

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Re: Inspirational cookery writers

Postby cherrytree » Tue Jul 09, 2019 7:20 pm

I find looking in Cockermouth’s excellent charity shops and the book sections a most interesting experience. As a result I can tell when I read reviews of cookery books which ones will end up in these places.
I never see any Mary Berry, Jane Grigson, Elizabeth David books. Rarely anything by Delia or Nigella. Loads of Gordon Ramsey, Tom Kerridge , Lorraine Pascal and quite a few Jamie Oliver.
My prediction is that all these lean cooking books will soon pop up in their hundreds.
I couldn’t part with my Delias, some going back to small paperbacks from her BBC Look East days, my Jane Grigsons, Elizabeth David’s and Mary Berrys.

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Re: Inspirational cookery writers

Postby Alexandria » Tue Jul 09, 2019 7:29 pm

For Italian:

I love the authencity of their regional Italian historical récipes:

Author, Restaurateur & Executive Chef Gennaro Contaldo and the Late Author, Restaurateur & Chef Antonio Carlucci.

Their book series and their T.V. aired Series Two Greedy Italians are extraordinary.
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Re: Inspirational cookery writers

Postby Pampy » Wed Jul 10, 2019 12:59 am

When I overhauled my house about 6 years ago, I got rid of the majority of my recipe books - about 400 in all. I kept very few, most quite basic but which had tried, tested and favourite recipes, like the Reader's Digest Cookery Year and Food From Your Garden, M&S freezer cookery book, Gok Wan's first book and a 1970s Good Housekeeping book (I also have my Mum's 1948 version). I photocopied a few recipes that I wanted to keep from various books before they went to the charity shop and to be honest, haven't really missed the books.

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