
Alternative to bread or toast

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Re: Alternative to bread or toast

Postby MariaK » Tue Oct 13, 2020 2:47 am

Sorry to be so late but ended up with an unplanned very busy day. If this works, toast could be back on the menu.

No yeast bread
The link's in case you want to see the photos. Rolls/buns tomorrow - well, more like later today!!

Loaf tin- 28 x 10 cms at base & 8 cms deep

Heat oven to 200ºC (top & bottom)

400g flour
1/2 tsp baking powder + 1/2 tsp bicarb /baking soda *
1 tsp salt
375ml kefir / buttermilk or yogurt - (11/2 250 ml cups) at room temperature. Shouldn’t be cold. You can pour it into a jug,stand this in a pan of hot water & stir to warm it up - slightly warm is best.You can use lactose free yogurt, but they tend to be a bit sweet.
2 tbs oil (1tbs for the tin + 1 for brushing the top of the loaf)
2 tbs sesame seeds / oats or other seeds for the tin & top of loaf (optional)
Sift all the dry ingredients into a large bowl. Stir to make sure they’re evenly distributed.
Add the kefir or whatever you’re using and stir with a wooden spoon till well blended.
Grease the tin with oil, add 1 tb seeds/ oats & distribute along base & sides.
Pour in the batter, smooth top, brush with oil & sprinkle with seeds. If you want a crunchier crust, use more oil.
Put in the centre of preheated oven and bake for 40 minutes. Test. If done turn off oven but leave the loaf in the oven for 2-3 minutes with door ajar, then open the oven door half way and again wait a few minutes before removing the tin.
You can remove the bread once the tin cools down, but don’t slice it before it’s really cold.

Polish thread

Any special requests?

I owe you something on the history of barszcz. I did some research a few years ago just for fun. Unfortunately I've had a lot of problems with my ancient computer where I have all my notes, but I've managed to rescue most of them so will try to write something soon.

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Re: Alternative to bread or toast

Postby ZeroCook » Tue Oct 13, 2020 6:36 am


Hey Gill. I'm late to the party here - great that you seem to be getting to grips with this thing finally - hopefully.
I still make a wholemeal tea bread recipe from you with pretty much zero sugar - makes nice toast.

Some really interesting and good non yeast bread-y recipes posted here.

Personally I'd pass on the tortilla maker/press - corn tortillas are easy enough to make just rolled out - here's a copied post I did from a week or two ago.

zero°cook wrote:
Homemade corn tortillas are very good, very easy and well worth the effort. I don't have or need a tortilla press, simply roll out the dough between two pieces of plastic (which I save for that use) to the size of an appropriately sized small side plate, remove the top plastic sheet place the plate on the rolled out dough and cut a circle, remove the extra dough for re-rolling. Carefully peel off the tortilla and cook on a hot comal or flat cast iron plate, griddle or pan

tortilla dough

I'd get an electric waffle iron or similar, instead, if you're going that direction. Waffles are basically batter with beaten egg whites for lightness and any flour you like. Things of beauty!

And of course there are always muffins :)

I used to make these before I got into yeasted naan/flatbread
No yeast naan type flatbread - 1 part water/liquid to 2 parts flour by volume or:
2 cups/300g strong white or wholemeal flour
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp baking powder
1 cup/240ml water + about 1 tbs olive oil
a little oil for cooking

Mix, cover, autolyse/rest for 30 minutes to an hour. (I do this this for non yeast bread too)
Knead lightly. On a floured board, cut into 6 pieces, shape into balls, flatten and roll out into rounds or ovals about 3-4mm thick.
Lightly dab with oil, cook on a preheated medium hot to hot flat cast iron griddle or pan, covering with a pot lid while cooking and flipping over when large bubbles appear. Allow to cook just until the bubbles brown and blister taking care not to over scorch. Wrap bread in a tea towel or foil as you cook them.

MariaK - baking powder bread recipe looks good - let them eat cake! - yes do start a thread plz.


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Re: Alternative to bread or toast

Postby Gillthepainter » Tue Oct 13, 2020 12:40 pm

Just the 2 ingredients, Suelle. That's a super suggestion.
Greek yoghurt is on my shopping list - I've got SR flour in.

Pizzelles - I'll have a look at the local deli, Uschi. They might have some in, or even Waitrose.

Jeral, thanks for the meal suggestions. Talking of "a mushroom". I find it's a great substitute for a beefburger, served whole. There's no need to chop it down for a ground burger affair. Just cook it big, and fill it if you wish.

Rainbow, there are heaps of great suggestions aren't there.
It's usually the simplest of questions that harvest excellent responses.

Zero, I've actually got a small hand printing press for making cards ;) It's very clean, and I was thinking of incorporating it into some sort of flatbread press, thanks for the recipe:


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Re: Alternative to bread or toast

Postby Gillthepainter » Tue Oct 13, 2020 12:43 pm

I love puffy rice biscuits, Will. And I'm eating a lot more rice these days - as it's so easy to make a great meal with it.

Well, I'm making Marja's bread.
I'll pop to the Co-op directly next door to our house :lol: And get the bicarb.
It's the only thing I haven't got in, plenty of kefir in the fridge which I've taken out to warm up.

I know I had bicarb, I always do. But Tony needed some for an aching tooth during lockdown, so he's ploughed through my supply I guess.

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Re: Alternative to bread or toast

Postby Suffs » Tue Oct 13, 2020 4:18 pm

I've just remembered Cheese Frizzles ... what on earth? I hear you ask ... :lol: back around 1961 ish I was given a Sunday School Prize of a book called Past times for Girls ... Camping was one of the past times suggested and as it was for girls of course cooking was one of the things to do. One of the recipes was for Cheese Frizzles which I learned to make ... they were very tasty and I made them many times through my teens. I'd totally forgotten them, but Mr Google came up trumps (if you'll excuse the expression). ... pe-no-172/

Lovely with bacon and egg, or just as a savoury snack. I must make some again ... I used to use porridge oats. I like the idea of using nutritional yeast instead of cheese as a change.

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Re: Alternative to bread or toast

Postby Gillthepainter » Tue Oct 13, 2020 6:58 pm

Wow, frizzles look great, Suffs.

Marja, thank you so much.
I've just made your loaf, and it's so like bread. Slightly different smell, I used keffir and plain flour.
I'm going to toast it for my breakfast.

Super texture, crunchy crust, and of course, dead easy.



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Re: Alternative to bread or toast

Postby Amyw » Tue Oct 13, 2020 7:02 pm

That looks fab

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Re: Alternative to bread or toast

Postby KeenCook2 » Tue Oct 13, 2020 7:06 pm

Looks great, Gill, I'm very tempted!

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Re: Alternative to bread or toast

Postby smitch » Tue Oct 13, 2020 7:08 pm

That looks lovely, Gill!

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Re: Alternative to bread or toast

Postby Pepper Pig » Tue Oct 13, 2020 7:27 pm

Loving the look of your frizzles Suffs.

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Re: Alternative to bread or toast

Postby MariaK » Tue Oct 13, 2020 8:56 pm


Clever girl - that loaf looks really good.

I haven't made bread for years - there's a very good baker just across the road with a good variety of breads including a very dark rye loaf. They used to have a baguette shaped variant - sliced very thin and dried out in the oven it was great for making scoops for dips. Unfortunately they've stopped making them.

Here's the recipe for the buns.

Bułki bez drożdży - No yeast buns

Prep: 10 minutes
Bake : 23 minutes
Oven: preheat to 190ºC - top & bottom
Makes 6 buns

320 grams flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar(caster if possible)
1/3 tsp each of baking powder & bicarb/ baking soda

200 ml / 250 grams creamy, full fat yogurt (MK I’d suggest Greek)
1 tbs oil- aprox.
1 tbs sesame seeds - optional
Note - yogurt must be warmish - take out of fridge well ahead, or pour into a glass/jug, stand this in a pan of hot water & stir to warm it up

1 - Combine all the dry ingredients, give them a stir and sift into a large bowl.
2 - Add the yogurt and give it a good stir. When well combined, form into a ball & knead for a few minutes.
3 - The dough should weigh aprox 570 grams. Divide into 6 portions (+/- 95 grams each).
4 - Oil hands and roll each portion lightly into a flatish “ball” making sure all the surface is lightly oiled and place on baking tray - well spread out.
5 - Slash the top of each bun with a sharp knife & and sprinkle with sesame seeds - or seeds of choice, you can also use your favourite herb mix (See photos).
6 - Put the tray into the centre of the oven & bake for aprox. 23 minutes. MK - I’d check after 20 minutes, especially 1st time round.
7 - If you want an extra crunchy crust you can spray the buns with a little water once or twice while they’re baking.
As soon as they’re baked, turn off the oven and remove the tray. No need for the gradual cooling as described in the bread recepy.

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Re: Alternative to bread or toast

Postby Hope » Wed Oct 14, 2020 5:44 pm

I have to eat a low histamine diet as I have a condition which is similar to histamine intolerance. Sourdough is very high in histamine, so really not a good idea if that is the problem.

I'm gluten intolerant as well. I tend to eat rice cakes, oatcakes or lentil cakes (my favourite). I don't tend to eat a lot of bready things.

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Re: Alternative to bread or toast

Postby jeral » Thu Oct 15, 2020 1:28 am

What are lentil cakes please?

Anything like this recipe I found for simple flatbreads using lentils ground into flour at home, which is perhaps optimistic without a very posh blender, but perhaps letting the wet flour/water batter stand for longer might overcome lack of fineness of the grind. Dunno.(*)

There's also a few interesting looking vegan simple recipes on the site, although one does have to bear with the verbiosity and repetition, or use the PageDown button a lot.

(*)Reading the comments, one said grind to flour as best you can, then add water and blend again till smooth. Another said soak first, then blend with remaining (so using same amount of water overall). One says they stuck or fell apart ("buy a better non-stick pan".
Another said they put on parchment and baked with v.good result.
A couple said they needed flavour so added any of parsley, coriander, garlic or onion powder, paprika, S&P.

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Re: Alternative to bread or toast

Postby Gillthepainter » Thu Oct 15, 2020 9:55 am

Have you ever made dosa, Jeral?

I think I used moong dahl for these:


Lentil flatbreads remind me of that process - you make a batter with whatever dried peas dahl split lentils you like. My coffee grinder is pretty good at grinding - I don't use it for coffee beans any more.

Another excellent recipe, Marja.
I'm looking forward to making the buns too. They look equally lovely.

Hope, my sympathies to you. You must feel vile if you have an attack.

What are your lentil cakes please, I see Jeral is asking too?

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Re: Alternative to bread or toast

Postby Earthmaiden » Thu Oct 15, 2020 11:13 am

The JO flatbreads made with flour and tinned chickpeas are nice and can be tweaked with flavourings. I mentioned them on the bread thread recently. They don't really keep for more than a day, I haven't tried freezing.

I think that the biggest thing if you live without normal bread and toast is finding something that goes well with the humble egg, whether boiled, poached, fried or scrambled.

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Re: Alternative to bread or toast

Postby Pampy » Thu Oct 15, 2020 12:34 pm

I've frozen the dough for JO's chickpea flatbread - works well.

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Re: Alternative to bread or toast

Postby Hope » Thu Oct 15, 2020 1:12 pm

jeral wrote:What are lentil cakes please?

they are like rice cakes, only made with lentils. I don't make them. thes: ... ed-lentil/

The recipe you posted looks like it'd be a bit rough on the stomach if yours is sensitive (personally I wouldn't try that - I can't eat gram flour either).

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Re: Alternative to bread or toast

Postby Gillthepainter » Thu Oct 15, 2020 1:39 pm

Have you got a link to the JO chickpea flatbreads please. I'm only seeing yeast ones with a google search.
It's not that I have a problem with yeast base recipes as such here, just that I won't be trying them for the recent future.

Hope, I've only ever bought rice cakes by Kallo. I'll pop some lentil ones in my basket when I go shopping today.
Still eating my Polish no yeast loaf, and feeling fine.

Which is how I like it!

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Re: Alternative to bread or toast

Postby KeenCook2 » Thu Oct 15, 2020 1:49 pm

Gill, I think this may be it? EM posted the recipe on another thread: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4754&p=102809&hilit=chickpea+flatbreads#p102809

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Re: Alternative to bread or toast

Postby Earthmaiden » Thu Oct 15, 2020 1:54 pm

Yes, that's it. It's in his new '7 Ways' book so probably not online. As mentioned, you can make the basic mix with the flour and chickpeas and add your own flavourings. I haven't tried with just salt.


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