I've heard it suggested that the generations who drink less are taking more drugs ... .
Did anyone queue outside Aldi all night? This phenomena amazes me, it seems such an ordinary product ... can imagine being mugged if seen drinking it in a public place! https://www.theguardian.com/media/2022/ ... paul-queue
I’m a mature student. I’m one of the oldest in my uni friends group but none of us a recent school leaver.
We’re friends because we’re the only people on the course who go to the pub after lectures. The younger students go out at night but don’t drink in the way I did when I was at uni first time around.
Back in my student days we were fairly moderate drinkers. At parties there would always be lots of sparkling water and soft drinks for those who still had to drive and those who didn't want to quench their thirst with alcohol. In between that, we did enjoy our wine or bubbly, of course, but it meant we were tipsy rather than drunk.
I thought I'd revive this ancient thread on "Beverages" as I just read this rather interesting article on why some red wines may cause headaches in susceptible people .... https://www.theguardian.com/science/202 ... scientists
Biochemist's beef: a science writer really should know the difference between an ingredient (wrong here) and a constituent
Some people find white wine gives them worse headaches than red, that is almost certainly sulphite I understand (there's far more of it in white wine than in red)
Ha, I wondered if you might have any comments, Sue
I hadn't realised there were more sulphites in white than red; I have pretty much established that I really don't get on with oaked wines; in fact, I sadly could class myself a non-drinker, although I really love the taste of wine, prosecco and champagne ... sometimes I risk a quarter of a glass of what we've got going, and I think the lower-alcohol wines are definitely better for me than the 14% ones! If I even sniff a powerful red I almost get a headache on the spot
I'm enjoying a g&t.
It's this gin https://gyreandgimble.co.uk/product/callooh-callay-2/
Sadly, the last of the bottle.
I have really enjoyed it, it's almost savoury. I mix it with FeverTree yellow tonic.
Tonight I have a slice of lemon but maybe cucumber would work better.
I don't use much advokaat, so it isn't really sweet. I made some at a party of a friend in January and everybody was sceptial, but seconds were ordered.
I usually have a bottle of Advokaat at Christmas to make snowballs but for some reason I didn't this year......I'm regretting it now, I want a snowball .
I spent the reception at a christening making snowballs, very popular in late spring (I think May Day holiday)
I am not keen, I stuck to the sparkling wine, but the secret is a tiny drop of Rose's Lime Cordial, a cocktail barman taught me this years ago.
I love them, or used to before I stopped drinking. Roses lime juice were one of the last firms to use the Grand Union to transport their produce. The old warehouse is just up the towpath from me, now B&Q.
Someone asked on Twitter the other day about his mother and her friends all drinking PLJ back in the day to stay slim.