Feelings ran high

She considered that anything you add to the plate or the food not part of the original dish would be a condiment - but that would include things like gravy and custard sauce, which most of us didn't think were condiments. She also thought jam on a scone might be a condiments (Brits did not concur).
This leaves us with some interesting grey areas - gravy not, but apple sauce out of a jar?
Added to finished dish - but Branston in a cheese and pickle roll is there from the start, and named, but Branston is clearly a condiment.
I did look up a dictionary definition, and it's pretty much what I'd have thought, something added to enhance a savoury food - but not necessarily itself savoury, so the jarred apple sauce might get in there, red currant jelly for venison or mutton certainly could.
What's your favourite condiment? What's your best new discovery?