Suffs wrote: ↑Sun May 14, 2023 1:44 pm
How funny to think we’ve all got the same knickers on
. ... not me. That is the design (but in plain black or beige) which rides down when I wear them with trousers . I have found ones without lace tops which don't.
Whilst we're on the knicker subject, does anyone else have a pair for each day of the week or is it just me? When a pair wears out I replace with another pair. I've very recently replaced Wednesday.
No, I would get confused if I had to stick to a strict weekly schedule, and as I wear 3 colours - beige (currently called almond, or possibly honey), black, and white; always with a bra of the same colour (but not necessarily matching) I select what goes underneath according to what goes on top, or just what I feel like. Or what I have most of clean!
I have a small drawerful in current use, perhaps 25 - 30 pairs in total - I like being able to pack enough for a trip without desperately needing to launder on the last day before I travel or the first day back
That remind me of the time we went on holiday with friends, and us ladies all had the same M&S underwear. Fortunately we did separate loads of washing .
I have too many pairs, and there is no rule as to which I wear on what day, but I proably wouldn't wear black if wearing a pale garment in summer.
I do like them to come quite far up my stomach which equates to old lady knickers, I suppose. Mind you I am short waisted so most come further up than they do on the people who model them.
I used to wear Sloggies, then M&S, but they seemed to go a bit baggy. I bought some very nice stretchy ones in a pack of three with very pale colours from Sainsbury's, but they only seem to get clothing products in once and you never see them again. I did buy three packs though, so will be alright for some time!
I buy Sainsbury's ones, but the style I like... more often than not someone has pullled a pair out (they come in packs of 5) to have a look then stuffed it back in again from every single pack in my size! Very annoying. I know that they will still be fine but it puts me off.
I also bought some really comfortable knickers from the Big Bloomers Company (!) but I don't believe that the gusset is cotton as claimed, so am weary of wearing them often.
The small town near where I now live, was very much dependent on hosiery. You all will have worn knickers and tights made there - contracts with all the nationals, before they were all lost to the East. When we moved here, it amused me to scan the sits vac pages in the local paper, and see so many vacancies for "gusset cutters".
Is anyone else having the same problem as me lately? My cotton ones seem to be getting the little holes in them that normally crop up on the front of t-shirts.
Suffs wrote: ↑Wed May 31, 2023 12:49 pm
Another one here who can’t be doing with flip flop ‘thongs’ … or any other type of thongyness either for that matter.