I have always had my dental treatment via the NHS but my Harrow dentist is suddenly private only if you believe their website which I don’t. Am unable to book at present but when I asked to go on a dental plan some time ago the dentist said my teeth were in such bad condition they wouldn’t accept me. They really aren’t that bad other than his bad dentistry over the last couple of years which I let go by because of Covid. His predecessor was great,
So. I’m going to have to accept having to go private. I know it’s horses for courses but what’s it likely to cost me? I am completely dental-phobic and cannot be doing with hygienists.
I suppose if they are private they can charge what they want, within reason. Are you sure that they are making existing customers go private too, though?
Can you read this (without a sub)? If not I can copy and paste.
I paid £88 for a private check-up last year, which included X-rays. Hygienist is £75 every 4 months. I'd been using a private hygienist since having some crowns and implants several years ago, and had a private check-up last year because my NHS practice still wasn't doing routine work - only emergencies.
I haven't needed dental treatment - fillings or extractions - so can't help with that.
I imagine prices will be higher in your area than out here though.
The NHS practice I used before Covid is going private from the beginning of April too.
They all say that Aero but I’ve not found one who accepts new patients round here. It’s a very well worn track on the local FB groups. DD1 in Abbots couldn’t get her children registered at the same dentist as her and at one point was using 3 NHS dentists to incorporate the whole family.
I think there must be a be a new round of disagreements between dentists and the NHS as our local social media has been filled with people looking for a new dentist over the past couple of weeks as several practices are going completely private.
Mine went private to all but existing NHS patients years ago but when he retired handed over to a completely private concern. I bit the bullet and have never regretted it. It was a good few years ago now and Denplan was £20 a month which included 2 x checkups and 2 x hygienists a year plus most normal required work (and invariably there is something). It is now £26.50 which includes something else, can't remember what. It does not include crowns etc. I have had much, much better preventative care than I ever had with NHS and he really keeps my creaky old teeth running. He mentioned a crown the first time I visited and I thought he was going to con me into having one. However, he kept the original tooth going for at least 10 years. The crown I had this year was in the region of £400 I think.
I can imagine you might pay a bit to get your teeth up to scratch for private insurance if they're really that bad. If you go private you could choose a different (nicer) practice. I know now that despite regular checkups, mine were very neglected and needed a couple of years of gentle descaling and education before they were declared 'clean'. Was never offered any of that with NHS and had always thought I had looked after my teeth. I really think it's worth it.
DD has a lot of difficulty with dentists for various reasons and always looks for ones who are particularly empathetic to those with phobias and other difficulties. If you really can't be doing with hygienists etc it's worth looking out for one of these and telling them up front what your issues are. After Covid splash restrictions lifted, the hygienist still hasn't come back to my dentist. The dentist does all the cleaning. Not sure if that is permanent or not.
We had 2 dentists start up in the village within months of each other.. one private and the orher fully NHS that even offers treatment Saturday or Sunday (although I think they do charge extra for that). I have always gone private as I had insurance while at work and stayed with the same dentist for a while once I had retired. I think I only paid about £45 for my last check up, but haven't needed treatment for a few years now.
I’m an NHS patient at a BUPA clinic. They no longer accept adults as NHS patients but will register children. Existing NHS patients are fine to stay that way.
My hygienist at the same clinic works privately and it costs £79 per appointment (city centre practice). I think it’s expensive but as I have problematic gums it is worth it.
I think there are probably regional cost variations as well as ours seems quite expensive.
I couldn't find an NHS one locally. I have bad gums, probably inherited, but also having avoided the dentist for too long in the past and needed a deep scale. This was done in 4 appointments at £90 odd a quarter mouth at a time. Yesterday being 3 months later I had it all done in 1 hour for £143. Another hour in 3 months & hopefully can go longer then. Just saying, because I think it's an example of the longer you put it off the more it probably costs you in the long run. Particularly as some teeth are now wobbly and will probably end up needing drastic work.
I think this is an old price list, but shows:
New patient exam £72.50, regular £48.50, crowns from £618, root canals from £480, half denture nearly £1000, other dentures thousands!
It all seems terribly expensive to me, but this is West Sussex & the two alternative ones, both private cost even more! How I wish we could all have NHS dentists still.
Interestingly, since we went on to Denplan contracts, we’ve both needed much less work done than when we were paying nhs patients. But at least they have our money up front now…….
It does make you wonder, and no checks are done at any time (as far as I’m aware).
No chance of NHS dentists here - ( Hove/Brighton) but then again I prefer private & have done for 35+ years - you get what you want done - & can flex muscle - after all you're paying for it. TBH the thought of nhs dentistry fills me with horror - not for me. ( and I have a good set of nashers).
Likewise those dental plans which take money up front - I mean why would you do that? - you know that's open to being compromised like anything else in life & good ol' human nature will prevail.
As I mentioned previously, I have been very pleased with Denplan and have never felt I was being compromised. It helped me to budget at a time when it might have been difficult and if I've paid over the odds I don't really mind because I've never had to worry.
I’m very happy with my NHS dentist. She’s very thorough, much more than previous dentists I’ve seen. I’ve never had any work done on my teeth, not even a filling. Plus I get the nice luxury of the BUPA clinic
I’ve always had really good service from NHS dentistry. I’ve had a couple of crowns and an extraction over the years, but at very nearly 71 I still have all my own teeth bar one, and have only ever had pain once and that was an infected wisdom tooth in my late twenties which was cured with antibiotics. I’ve always seen the dentist every 6 months and for the past 5 years have seen the hygienist twice a year between the appts with the dentist. She charges £35 each time.
I signed as an NHS patient with my current practice in ‘95 when I came to Norwich and remain as an NHS patient … sadly they no longer take NHS patients.
I have a private dentist but they do Denplan. I only pay the monthly amount (pretty reasonable). Hygienist is included so no extras. I see dentist & hygienist every 6 months.
It does seem to be a bit of a lottery. Problem with Denplan is (as PP has found) that if you've needed a fair amount of work done over the years it's either very expensive or they won't accept you at all. I've been lucky and have needed virtually no work on my teeth so I pay more or less the minimum amount.