ice cream recipes

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ice cream recipes

Post by scullion »

thought i'd make a list of the ice creams i've made (the successes of course). i'll add more as i make them.
they are all my quick and easy versions unless otherwise stated - and the coconut milk is always the full fat not the 'light' lidl one (freshona?).

a can of coconut milk (lidl),
⅓ of a cup of sugar
about ¼ tsp of vanilla essence. chill in fridge then churn in machine.
really good. i do like coconut ice cream.

- 3 ripe bananas,
300ml double cream,
60 g sugar.
mash bananas with sugar, stir in the cream, chill then churn .
not as healthy as the bananas only one but it was deemed gorgeous.

rhubarb and custard
300g rhubarb stewed with sugar (quite sweet as freezing decreases the perceived sweetness)
300g of a carton of lidl ready made custard
100g soft cream cheese full fat (lidl) as i didn't have any cream.
i plopped lumps of the cream cheese in to the bucket with the stewed rhubarb and the custard, without mixing it all first. didn't bother chilling just churned.
my partner said it was lovely but he prefers the banana one (he would - he loves bananas). i prefer it to the banana - lighter, fresher taste.

1 jar of amereno cherries (lidl)
250ml double cream plus a couple of tbsp of milk.
a tbsp or so of water to rinse the syrup from the jar
sieve the cherry syrup into the bucket and chop up the cherries (nearly) finely, then put everything in the bucket and churn.
partner said it was gorgeous, i found it a bit sweet - still nice though - a 'small dose' one for me.

150 g 74% dark chocolate
300g double cream
250g ready made custard
melt chocolate in bowl over simmering water add cream and stir until mixed. stir in custard. cool and churn.
yet another quick cheat - all from lidl. very rich and nicely not so sweet. a little like chocolate truffles.
the second favourite of my partner after the cherry one.

piña colada
250g fresh pineapple
1 can coconut milk (lidl)
⅓ cup (about 60g) granulated sugar
2tbs rum (i used dark)
wiz up all ingredients with a stick blender and churn.
very nice and a light texture - not strong enough on the rum flavour but it might make it even softer if i put more in (i might experiment with that another time). still good though.

250g raspberries
50g sugar
250g ready made custard (lidl)
300g double cream.
smash up raspberries and sieve out seeds as much as you can. mix with other ingredients and churn.
very creamy and rich, could do with more raspberries. next time i'll put double the raspberries in for an even tastier mix.
very happy with it.
ps. when eaten on its own the raspberry flavour was enough - but then more raspberries would never be sneered at

rum and raisin
300g double cream
250g ready made custard
30g soft dark brown sugar
⅓ cup of raisins
⅓ cup of dark rum
soak raisins in rum for a day. put other ingredients in machine and churn until almost frozen then add in soaked raisins. it will melt a bit again but keep churning until back to frozen state. more rum and raisins won't go amis but still good.

avocado and lime
2 large avocados
2 limes - juice and a most of zest (fine)
50g sugar
300g double cream
mash the avocado with the lime juice and sugar, stir in the cream and churn.
next time i'll try 3 avocados and less cream. it was quite rich but still good.

i have noticed that the lidl 300g of double cream is actually about 290g - naughty!

dairy free avocado and lime
3 large avocados
2 limes juice and zest
70g sugar (could be a bit less)
110ml (g) water
small pinch of fine sea salt
puree all with stick whizzer then churn in machine. much lighter though of course a little more solid. the lime could be reduced slightly if you want more avocado flavour but not necessary. good.
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