
Why don’t you like?

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Why don’t you like?

Postby Pepper Pig » Wed Dec 01, 2021 7:46 pm

I was brought up to clear my plate. OH was not and has multiple things he won’t eat which have increased during the Alzheimer’s.

So why? And what. Other than obscure things I will eat the lot. I don’t like carrots but will devour them if they’re on the menu.

And I adore celery and mushrooms, things which he wouldn’t give space to.

You? If it’s on your hit list then why?

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Re: Why don’t you like?

Postby Pepper Pig » Wed Dec 01, 2021 7:55 pm

PS. I understand allergies!

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Re: Why don’t you like?

Postby KeenCook2 » Wed Dec 01, 2021 7:58 pm

I cannot eat offal - maybe because my childhood memories were of my mother always cooking liver (pig) and onions every Saturday lunchtime, which my big brothers ate and seemed to enjoy. She didn't eat it herself.
The smell used to make me gag.
I was once at a friend's for dinner and bit into what I thought was a mushroom, and it was actually a kidney ...

Other than that I think I'm pretty flexible. I don't like everything but will generally eat it if it's put in front of me.

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Re: Why don’t you like?

Postby Earthmaiden » Wed Dec 01, 2021 8:29 pm

I was brought up to eat everything too.
We had to both at home and school. There are quite a few meals which fill me with dread but don't know what I could not eat - likely to be something to do with gristly or chewy parts of an animal.

I believe that some people's chemistry makes sprouts, celery and coriander taste very nasty. I don't like the taste of celery or celeriac much.

The particular dislikes I can think of are tripe (the distinctive taste), roast or boiled parsnips (the flavour), pork scratchings/crackling etc (just no), split pea and ham soup (texture and ham taste), anything with fenugreek (smell even more than taste), very fatty meat (texture), Creme caramel (no idea, it's the floating juice), 'frizzledy eggs' (fried with crispy bits), ham served hot. My nightmares all seem to tie up with my mother's cooking pre 1960 :lol:.

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Re: Why don’t you like?

Postby Suelle » Wed Dec 01, 2021 8:37 pm

Allergies aside, I'm not keen on snails or fennel in large quantities. No doubt there are other things, but I can't think of any at the moment.

I've also decided recently that I don't like white miso as a flavouring for otherwise western dishes - I've tried two recently that I expected to be good, and didn't really like them.

Edited to add - mushy peas!
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Re: Why don’t you like?

Postby Sloe-Gin » Wed Dec 01, 2021 9:01 pm

Very timely, this thread. I've always thought I'd had eclectic taste, until Saturday. Being from a farming family, I've been brought up to eat nose to tail (Bar tripe, no thanks, sorry suffs)
Our favourite restaurant has changed to its Christmas menu.
Hmm, no, I don't like beetroot mash...., or melted stilton, or chestnut stuffing, or apple sauce, celeriac gratin (though I do like remoulade)... and mushy peas bleurgghhhh, but put the really yummy bits together please.
I like many of these components, but 'my way'
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Re: Why don’t you like?

Postby Stokey Sue » Wed Dec 01, 2021 9:04 pm

I was brought up to eat everything, I've even managed many a social cup of tea and I hate the smell, can't understand anyone wanting to put their face in a cup that smells like that

At the moment there are rather a lot of things I can't eat for allergy and similar reasons, and I long to get past it.

But I finally had a revelation a few years ago - I'm grown up, I don't have to eat anything I don't like, it's the people who try to make me eat things they already know I find abhorrent who are rude, not me for not wanting to eat them

Having said which, under normal circumstances I'll happily eat most things except tea flavoured, turnips (white), and overcooked roast or grilled meat, also cornflakes are vile. Tarragon is a special case - always hated it, then found out I was allergic to it, not sure how those interact. I'm also a bit picky about textures given the choice, but I don't turn things down on the whole. I eat most offal but not brains or trip, that's down to texture mainly

SG - I have had similar menu experiences, fine with the larder but why make those dishes for my dinner? Though most of that lot would suit me

But the title - Why don’t you like? - made me think of someone I knew who used to cross-examine you about foods you disliked, and while she was exceptional, I've known milder versions
Why don't you like tarragon?
I just don't like it
Is it because you had it in something badly cooked?
I just don't like it
Is it because it tastes of aniseed?
I just don't like it; and to me it doesn't taste of aniseed, which I do like

And so on ad nauseam

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Re: Why don’t you like?

Postby Amyw » Wed Dec 01, 2021 9:44 pm

There’s a lot of things I’m indifferent to and some I really dislike like chickpeas , but I could force them down if served to me I think.

The main two that spring to mind is mash , or anything involving mash . The texture , the taste , I only like potatoes if there’s a crispy element to them , like chips or roast potatoes . The other is figs . I only tried them for the first time a couple of years ago and hated the taste and texture . I think that’s it for things I truly couldn’t eat .

Offal, meat , seafood I’m all fine with and I’m good with all veg too .

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Re: Why don’t you like?

Postby OneMoreCheekyOne » Wed Dec 01, 2021 9:54 pm

Offal, bananas, pineapple…I couldn’t eat them at all.

I’m not fond of overpowering fennel or marzipan but can eat them in small quantities. I don’t like cucumber or peas but will eat peas in a risotto for example and cucumber chopped in tzatziki.

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Re: Why don’t you like?

Postby Amyw » Wed Dec 01, 2021 11:06 pm

It’s interesting all the different categories we put food into isn’t it .

I was talking to someone about scallops the other day . I said I find them ok, I’d eat them if they were given to me , but I’d never cook them or choose a dish with them on the menu . I have a lot of food that falls into the “meh” category for me . Off the top of my head , Jerusalem and globe artichokes , chilled soups , mince pies , tripe ,and treacle tart . An eclectic mix !!

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Re: Why don’t you like?

Postby Uschi » Wed Dec 01, 2021 11:38 pm

It is difficult to say why I don't like liver or kidneys. Liver always smelled lovely when my mother or others make it, and so I kept trying it, but it always tastes unpleasant.

My parents did not force me to eat anything, but I had to try everything before refusing it. Fair enough. In some cases I found I was wrong.

My mother would make the things I did not like on "stew days". I loved and still love stews and soups and will eat them three or four days in a row. So I got my stew for the third day in a row and my parents had sprouts or liver or herring salad and everyone was happy.

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Re: Why don’t you like?

Postby smitch » Wed Dec 01, 2021 11:48 pm

I absolutely hate bananas and baked beans.

Bananas are banned from the house, I can’t stand being in the same room as them.

I wasn’t at all keen on the texture of pulses. I can eat most of them now but just can’t stomach baked beans.

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Re: Why don’t you like?

Postby Uschi » Thu Dec 02, 2021 12:33 am

I just finished putting labels on the banana ketchup I made today ...

I regret not being able to eat raw apples or citrus fruit. I would like to, but my stomach aches. Ah well, enough other fruit I can eat.

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Re: Why don’t you like?

Postby halfateabag » Thu Dec 02, 2021 2:11 am

I had to clear my plate before leaving the table.... Sometimes I was still sitting at the table from lunch until tea time on a Sunday. I hated sprouts and will only eat them now shredded and stirfried today. I do eat liver and kidneys but he won't so we don't have them very often..... He likes the flavour of kidneys but not the texture so picks them all out. Apart from that, we both eat most things.

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Re: Why don’t you like?

Postby Wic » Thu Dec 02, 2021 11:09 am

I was a very fussy eater when I was a child, I must have been really irritating. However, when we were out I had to eat what I was given, there was no leeway there at all. I still do, apart from eggs which upset me and tea which I loathe.

Not eating eggs, (on their own boiled, fried, scrambled, in quiches) is a real nuisance. And I’m with Sue on other people‘s reactions. If I say I don’t eat eggs there is a third degree and they say 'Have you tried them like this?' 'Have you tried that?' Etc. Frankly, at my age I think they ought to realise that I probably have.

Not drinking tea is less of a problem, but when we lived abroad it was definitely regarded as weird, I was English. English people like tea. It remained an inexplicable paradox!

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Re: Why don’t you like?

Postby Pepper Pig » Thu Dec 02, 2021 11:22 am

I like bananas but I have to leave the room if OH eats one and leaves the skin on his little table. The smell makes me heave.

I like eggs but neither he or my BF can go within 10 yards of one.

What I don't get is that he was born in 1934 and so his childhood meals would have been affected by rationing and yet he is still very fussy.

EM and others. Celeriac is my absolute favourite vegetable. I keep meaning to have a go at celeriac steak.

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Re: Why don’t you like?

Postby Seatallan » Thu Dec 02, 2021 11:31 am

The only thing I really struggle with (and it drives me mad) is broad beans. I have no idea why- I can eat (and enjoy) every other sort of bean but broad beans give me that gagging reflex. It's something about the texture I think (but it happens even if I've double-podded them if you know what I mean). I can do them in a puree but that's all.

I've mentioned before that I can never see the point of Kiwi Fruit but Karakoolaid once said it's because they don't travel well (so I'm willing to be converted if ever in a place where they grow wild as it were).

Other than that, I've truly never met a food I didn't get on with... :D
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Re: Why don’t you like?

Postby herbidacious » Thu Dec 02, 2021 11:40 am

Meat and fish! ;)

You can't afford to be fussy if you cut out major food groups.

There is nothing (vegetarian) I literally cannot eat. (I trained myself to like coriander and ended up loving it.) But if the following were offered on a menu I would avoid (in no particular order):
bamboo shoots
rose and violet (and other florally) flavoured things
coconut (apart from coconut milk)
ice cream (to a far lesser extent)
semi-skimmed milk
milk sloshed into coffee

There are no psychological reasons for any of these. I simply don't like them. I used to dislike mushrooms because of association with my father's mushrooms on toast (mushrooms in a grey white sauce that you could stand a knife in) but I got over that. Cloves might be a physiological one (I had a mild allergic reaction to oil of cloves in my 30s but I have never liked them) but probably not.

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Re: Why don’t you like?

Postby Earthmaiden » Thu Dec 02, 2021 12:07 pm

Seatallan wrote:I've mentioned before that I can never see the point of Kiwi Fruit but Karakoolaid once said it's because they don't travel well

Definitely better in a warm country! The ones they sell 'ready to eat' in Sainsburys are like bullets and sour. They should be soft and luscious. I have been known to keep them in the fruit bowl for 3 weeks and then they gradually get better. Not as lovely as the first ones I ever had in Australia though!

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Re: Why don’t you like?

Postby aero280 » Thu Dec 02, 2021 12:12 pm

My grandfather was born on a farm. He was the youngest of nine children. When he was 12 he went to live with his married older sister in Plymouth. He worked in his brother-in-law’s office by the harbour.

His family sent him gifts of game. His office was by the fish market, so he brought home fish from time to time. His house stank of well hung game and steamed fish! My grandmother, and mother, were always gutting fish or game.

I have never been keen on either since…

I cannot abide broad beans, or coconut, and I’m allergic to bananas.

My nightmare was being offered a Manchester Tart! :o


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