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Re: Breakfast

Postby Earthmaiden » Sun Jun 13, 2021 9:08 pm

Ideally I like coffee until 'brunch' time but that means a lazy morning which isn't possible all the time. I like breakfast, especially in a hotel where there is a lavish buffet and you can make your own toast and have lashings of marmalade.

I tend to alternate between egg with a small slice of toasted soya and linseed bread or yogurt with a low carb/high fibre preparation and fruit. If I have the toast, I slice a bit off the top and eat it with butter and marmalade which I adore. I do like boiled egg and soldiers and I like porridge and cereal too. If I had to have the same every day forever and wasn't limiting what I eat in any way it would be Greek yogurt with lots of fresh fruit and honey followed by toasted and buttered raisin bread.
Last edited by Earthmaiden on Sun Jun 13, 2021 10:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Breakfast

Postby WWordsworth » Sun Jun 13, 2021 9:22 pm

Today we had a slow start so breakfast was strawberries, still warm from the garden, with granola and Greek yogurt.
And a mug of builder's tea.

Sometimes we have porridge, poached egg on toast, smoked fish, whatever we fancy and what fits in with the day's plans.

We both work part time now so sometimes our day of rest is Tuesday or Wednesday and we're scuttling out of the door on Saturday.

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Re: Breakfast

Postby Amyw » Sun Jun 13, 2021 10:11 pm

In winter porridge pretty much every day . I use coconut milk (the one in carton( and then whatever combination of fruit, nuts, nut butter going .

Now the weathers better , I’ll go for high protein yoghurt and fruit , or a couple of boiled eggs .

I do like bacon and tomato on a thick slice of toast and French toast or eggy bread is lovely too and something I haven’t had in ages

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Re: Breakfast

Postby herbidacious » Sun Jun 13, 2021 11:39 pm

Coffee for me. I am just not hungry until about 11am and then I feel I ought to wait for lunch... which is quite often cereal :?

Hotel breakfasts are wasted on me. I have a go but I don't get my money's worth.

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Re: Breakfast

Postby ZeroCook » Mon Jun 14, 2021 1:11 am

I have pretty much the same thing every day: a couple of cups of coffee, strong and very first thing - then a bowl grated apple, grated, mixed raw whole grain flakes, and a dollop of fat free Greek yogurt. Sets me up for the morning. Involves minimal prep, no thought, zero cooking and it's fast. :D

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Re: Breakfast

Postby RockyBVI » Mon Jun 14, 2021 7:16 am

Kacey wrote:Today was Sunday so we had curry, we mostly do on Sundays. Saturdays are usually fried rice days or Dan Dan noodles. Mon to Fri OH has porridge and I have nothing.

Lucky for us we're both able to eat anything at any time.

I’m so pleased to read this as I always feel a bit strange telling people what I have for breakfast. I cook more veg, noodles etc than I need to for dinner and have them in miso soup for breakfast.

KC2 - I also smiled reading your ‘standing for half an hour’. I have had to do the same for years. I was diagnosed with serious osteoporosis when I was in my 30s. Now my age starts with a 4 I am less bothered about it but I used to feel so embarrassed!

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Re: Breakfast

Postby northleedsbhoy » Mon Jun 14, 2021 8:55 am

RockyBVI wrote:
Kacey wrote:Today was Sunday so we had curry, we mostly do on Sundays. Saturdays are usually fried rice days or Dan Dan noodles. Mon to Fri OH has porridge and I have nothing.

Lucky for us we're both able to eat anything at any time.

I’m so pleased to read this as I always feel a bit strange telling people what I have for breakfast. I cook more veg, noodles etc than I need to for dinner and have them in miso soup for breakfast.

KC2 - I also smiled reading your ‘standing for half an hour’. I have had to do the same for years. I was diagnosed with serious osteoporosis when I was in my 30s. Now my age starts with a 4 I am less bothered about it but I used to feel so embarrassed!

My local Chinese takeaway in Leeds served very large portions so whatever was leftover was breakfast the next day - that would normally be a duck dish and fried/boiled rice microwaved. If I had an Indian then it would be cold curry.

Normally I have my only cup of coffee a day and something like a pan au chocolat at about 7.00am. High days and holidays a full English, eggs on toast etc.

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Re: Breakfast

Postby mistakened » Mon Jun 14, 2021 10:30 am

Not completely relevant but there has been an indignant poster on local Cypriot social media, he/she cannot obtain fresh croissants for their breakfast. It has politely been pointed that this is Cyprus and that with the possible exception of the really posh hotels with their own bakeries you cannot get croissants.
We can get fresh local bread, locally made jam, genuine fresh orange juice and at this time of year lovely local fruit but not croissants


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Re: Breakfast

Postby Gruney2 » Mon Jun 14, 2021 10:45 am

My morning routine never varies. Up quite early - Guardian crossword, then my only mug of coffee for the day, and a marmalade butty.

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Re: Breakfast

Postby Stokey Sue » Mon Jun 14, 2021 11:27 am

mistakened wrote:It has politely been pointed that this is Cyprus and that with the possible exception of the really posh hotels with their own bakeries you cannot get croissants.

Reminds me of the Australian woman who on a gulet sailing boat in Turkey complained they were cheating us by giving us an inadequate breakfast with no sausages or bacon etc
Actually it was a magnificent spread, local bread, eggs, 2 kinds of cheese, jam, honey, yogurt, fruit, juice, shortbread biscuits

Had a smaller peach with granola for breakfast today

Sometimes I skip breakfast and proceed straight to brunch, Ken Hom pointed out that if egg fried rice is nice bacon & egg fried rice is even better, it makes a good brunch with tomato and random veg thrown in.

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Re: Breakfast

Postby KeenCook2 » Mon Jun 14, 2021 12:27 pm

RockyBVI wrote:KC2 - I also smiled reading your ‘standing for half an hour’. I have had to do the same for years. I was diagnosed with serious osteoporosis when I was in my 30s. Now my age starts with a 4 I am less bothered about it but I used to feel so embarrassed!

As the years have gone by, more and more of my friends have joined me :D We sometimes ring each other up / text each other while we're doing it on a Sunday morning!

So sorry to hear you got osteoporosis so young, Rocky - that's really a bummer. I've had rheumatoid arthritis since my mid-20s and apparently that often leads to osteoporosis. I think it must have been about 10 years ago I found out I had it and also osteopenia. I think that's why my rheumatology consultant originally booked me a DEXA scan, fortunately, not because I kept breaking bones.

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Re: Breakfast

Postby Amyw » Mon Jun 14, 2021 12:31 pm

It’s funny how osteoporosis is seen as an old people’s disease . My mum got diagnosed this year with moderate osteoporosis which came as no real shock as she’d developed a slight stoop, had a random fracture and my nan had it as well .

For people into pastries , have to recommend the pain aux raisin from Pret . Really buttery and tasty

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Re: Breakfast

Postby mistakened » Mon Jun 14, 2021 3:08 pm

Stokey Sue wrote:Actually it was a magnificent spread, local bread, eggs, 2 kinds of cheese, jam, honey, yogurt, fruit, juice, shortbread biscuits
I love Turkish breakfasts, the local version is a simplified form, with Halloumi (natch)


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Re: Breakfast

Postby slimpersoninside » Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:21 pm

mistakened wrote:
Stokey Sue wrote:Actually it was a magnificent spread, local bread, eggs, 2 kinds of cheese, jam, honey, yogurt, fruit, juice, shortbread biscuits
I love Turkish breakfasts, the local version is a simplified form, with Halloumi (natch)


Great to see the word natch! took me right back to my teens! :lol:

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Re: Breakfast

Postby dennispc » Mon Jun 14, 2021 6:13 pm

Summer time, mostly it’s shredded wheat with homemade muesli, plus whatever fruit is in the fridge, cooked or fresh. Add water.

Winter, generally no shredded wheat, turn muesli into porridge.

Peppermint tea, fresh in summer.

Loved breakfast in Greece, particularly the honey and breads.

After her fracture, OH received a questionnaire, linked to osteoporosis and advice on taking the drug, it could be taken sitting up straight for 30 minutes before breakfast. However, the surgery’s pharmacist rang as GP wanted to know if she was happy taking it. The side effects for her might be significant. She has a telephone chat booked with GP for next Monday.

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Re: Breakfast

Postby MagicMarmite » Tue Jun 15, 2021 12:48 pm

I have severe osteoporosis too, diagnosed in my 30's.
Thank you steroids for that.
Breakfast wise, I have a cup of tea or more likely, nothing, I generally only eat in the evening, sorry for TMI, but it's the best way to keep my IBS under control.

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Re: Breakfast

Postby Badger's Mate » Tue Jun 15, 2021 3:07 pm

At home it's his & hers porridge, mine made with water, Mrs B's with milk. I'll have cereal with fresh fruit in season, Mrs B might have fresh or stewed fruit on her porridge. Once a week we'll probably have crumpets, toasted fruit bread or something on toast.

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Re: Breakfast

Postby OneMoreCheekyOne » Tue Jun 15, 2021 10:44 pm

Midweek is chaotic so it really depends on how rushed we are and where everyone is going off to. There is usually a selection of cereal, yoghurts, fruit. Sometimes toast, crumpets, pastries. I have occasionally gone down the pre prepared breakfast muffins route but I am rarely that organised.

Weekends include all sorts and change depending on the season. We probably have breakfast or brunch out once each weekend too (when COVID allows!)

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Re: Breakfast

Postby Grasshopper » Tue Jun 15, 2021 10:56 pm

Breakfast varies.

Today was mini shredded wheats with just a tiny sprinkle of sugar (it NEEDS sugar IMHO), skimmed milk & a decaf :mug:
I'm 'W' ing tomorrow, so it may be a scrambled egg on a slice of toast (Mum & me have re-joined SW)

Spring ventures forth to plant the grain
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Re: Breakfast

Postby karadekoolaid » Wed Jun 16, 2021 4:00 am

I think the two most unusual breakfasts I´ve had were (a) with an Indian friend from Punjab and (b) in Mexico city.
Jayadeep´s wife served us chole ( chickpeas with spices), a spicy fresh chutney with cucumber, tomato, onion & chiles, and the most glorious bread - called bhatura. I watched her make it, then pleaded for the recipe. A bit like a poori, but made with yoghurt, and deep-fried.
In Mexico, I ate huevos rancheros tatemados, and my son always had birria de atún ahumado. translation: the "huevos" - eggs - were barely fried and served on a base of puréed black beans, with a smoked chile sauce. "tatemado" is a technique whereby the chiles/vegetables are blackened on a hotplate. Loads of tortillas made with blue corn. "Birria de atún" is a sort of thick, tuna soup, with Oaxaca cheese and a couple of eggs on top. However, when we arrived, we were served a delicious fish-based "soup" in a glass. I can only imagine the effect this would have on a hangover.


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