
Disposing of waste

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Re: Disposing of waste

Postby Sakkarin » Mon Aug 10, 2020 8:31 pm

I used to have rats that took that route into my outside loo when it was FILLED UP with water... apparently they can see the light from the sewer pipe. You could tell when they'd visited as there'd be muddy scrabbling scrapes on the bowl.

I rarely go in the outside loo, once there was a completely rotted corpse of one in the corner that clearly didn't know how to get back down the u-bend.

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Re: Disposing of waste

Postby Badger's Mate » Mon Aug 10, 2020 11:19 pm

there'd be muddy scrabbling scrapes on the bowl.

That's how we knew where they came in. Dad put a heavy block of wood over the bowl, which stopped their gallop.

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Re: Disposing of waste

Postby scullion » Tue Aug 11, 2020 12:57 am

Busybee wrote:On a similar vein I was reading an article on composting and got side tracked by wormerys. Does any one use one?

We compost but are still left with food waste as our council doesn’t allow kitchen peelings etc into the green bin.

Any first hand experience?


we have worm bins, which work very well. we use some wheelie bins with holes drilled in the bottom for drainage (although we don't collect the 'liquor' most people do). we have three working in rotation and everything but avocado skin and stones and orange peel go in. even the presents from the cats go in (i don't mean their poo).
we put cardboard and kitchen roll in and some stuff from the garden.
the bins are used in rotation so they don't get overwhelmed. when they're all full, the top layer gets taken off, the compost is used, the top layer gets put back in the worm bin.
we also have one of the proprietary made worm bins but it wasn't enough as we don't use ordinary compost bins (they often attract rats so you can't put cooked waste in them - and we don't have a food waste collection).

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Re: Disposing of waste

Postby jeral » Tue Aug 11, 2020 3:18 pm

scullion mentions not orange peel which reminded me of a radio snippet this morning that lemon juice is disliked by ants. Said to disrupt the scent so they can't follow one another rather than actively poisoning them.

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Re: Disposing of waste

Postby miss mouse » Tue Aug 11, 2020 11:11 pm

Worms hate orange peel IME. No idea about ants and their views on lemons.

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Re: Disposing of waste

Postby karadekoolaid » Fri Aug 14, 2020 1:35 am

I´m not sure whether ants like lemons or not.
What I AM sure of is that the leaf-eater ants can destroy one of my orchids in a night!!


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