
Flavourings added to oil successfully

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Flavourings added to oil successfully

Postby jeral » Sun Jul 26, 2020 5:04 pm

For instance, could I blitz the tomatoes scooped from a jar of sundrieds and use them to flavour more oil? Just wondering and not to hijack other thread.

(A) Would it work?
(B) would it suffer that bacteria lurgy that blights garlic oil?
(C) Boil/simmer or otherwise decontaminate suitable to preserve more than a day or three?


Also, what else do people do people add to oil?
Crucially (or maybe not), what sort of oil?

Such oils are so handy yet are hugely expensive to buy. I'm sure some are genuinely expensive (content and process), so saving would be on packaging and marketing, but the key question is whether it works and safely at home.

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Re: Flavourings added to oil successfully

Postby Sakkarin » Sun Jul 26, 2020 5:57 pm

jeral wrote:could I blitz the tomatoes scooped from a jar of sundrieds and use them to flavour more oil?

Did you mean the garlic cloves (my current jar has garlic cloves, but it's not a universal addition)? Otherwise it sounds as if you get sundried tomatoes for the oil and discard the tomatoes...

If IU'm right, I can tweak it for you if you want to avoid an "edited" panel.

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Re: Flavourings added to oil successfully

Postby jeral » Sun Jul 26, 2020 6:58 pm

Eh what?

My plan would be to drain the sundried tomatoes from the jar of oil they came in and use that otherwise. Blitz the drained toms and put some or all into fresh oil to flavour it.

My mention of garlic was solely because it can be dangerous apparently simply to put garlic cloves into oil and leave there, so wondered if it might be similarly dangerous for sundried toms or other things without sterilising somehow, but also more importantly whether sundried toms would impart any flavour to the oil.

Sorry if not clear. Is it clear now?

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Re: Flavourings added to oil successfully

Postby Sakkarin » Sun Jul 26, 2020 7:23 pm

Sorry, I think I know what you mean now, but it didn't make sense, as as far as I'm concerned the oil in sundried tomatoes doesn't really take on the taste of tomatoes. My current jar has garlic cloves too, that's why I thought you might have meant them...

EDIT: Just tasted it, if anything the oil tastes rather unpleasant!

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Re: Flavourings added to oil successfully

Postby jeral » Sun Jul 26, 2020 8:53 pm

Sakkarin, my idea was probably a rubbish one then, but no worries as it wouldn't be my first rubbish idea :D

That said, I've never had a jar of sundried tomatoes with garlic in or that tasted of garlic, thank goodness or I'd be cross as garlic doesn't suit everything. Thanks for taking the time to check your jar though and doing me an unexpected favour of knowing to watch out to avoid them.

What a weird outcome for a thread!
Useful to me though, ta.

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Re: Flavourings added to oil successfully

Postby karadekoolaid » Sun Jul 26, 2020 8:57 pm

Yes you can use the oil from the sundried tomatoes. I suppose the only thing is, how long has it been there? Taste it and see. I make sundried tomatoes and, apart from the tomatoes, of course, there´s oregano, bay leaves, capers, black peppercorns and thin slices of garlic in the mixture. Can´t afford to marinate them in 100% olive oil because it´s too expensive over here, so I mix 30% EVOO with 70% sunflower oil. I then cook the jar in boiling water for about 25 minutes, to make sure it´s sealed. Never had a duff lot yet, fingers crossed.
However, if you want to make flavoured oil with other things, you could use basil, rosemary, sage, oregano. Heat the herbs in the oil until the oil is hot- you don´t want to let it boil and you don´t want to fry the herbs - then let the oil cool and strain it into a bottle. It´ll keep for a good while in the fridge. My bro used to make it when he was chef at Sissinghurst.
The other thing you can make is chile oil, with dried chiles. Put the chiles in a bottle or jar, heat the oil, pour it over the chiles and seal the jar with a lid. Just leave the chiles there for a month or so and the oil will turn wonderfully orange.
OR you could make Chinese hot oil, with toasted garlic and chiles.

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Re: Flavourings added to oil successfully

Postby jeral » Sun Jul 26, 2020 9:35 pm

Ooh, many thanks karadekoolaid - I'll print you out.

Just to be sure:

Do the herb oils and chilli oil need the 25mins boiling water treatment too?

Does "jar in boiling water" mean fully submerged?
I assume so, but I'm not good on physics re glass+metal lid+contents expanding+exploding, especially as the pan deep enough is a deep Pyrex glass casserole, which is OK to go for hob use.

Thank you.

PS: I've always fancied that sizzling cheffy drizzle of boiling chilli oil to finish off a fish fillet. I'll put it on this week's to do list.

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Re: Flavourings added to oil successfully

Postby karadekoolaid » Sun Jul 26, 2020 11:19 pm

No - don´t boil the herb oils - they´ll leak all over the place.
Put the jars in COLD water up to their necks, then bring to a boil. Make sure the lid is properly tightened ( I can´t tell you how many hundreds of times the lid has come off!).

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Re: Flavourings added to oil successfully

Postby jeral » Mon Jul 27, 2020 12:17 am

Thanks again :)

Being a hoarder, I just checked and did indeed save half a dozen slim 150ml bottles being sure they'd come in handy for something. That's a spot of luck.

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Re: Flavourings added to oil successfully

Postby karadekoolaid » Mon Jul 27, 2020 3:28 am

Perfect - that´s what I use, 150cc. The fact that they don´t contain much means you can make small amounts, so IF something happens (like the oil goes off) then it´s only a small amount which gets wasted.
If they´re re-used ( and I imagine they are), just make sure you (a) wash them thoroughly and (b) boil them for about 10 minutes to sterilise before use. Don´t boil the lids - they´ll melt - just clean them and pour boiling water over them 5 minutes before using.

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Re: Flavourings added to oil successfully

Postby jeral » Mon Jul 27, 2020 6:15 pm

Thanks. I was concerned about such things but with your help feel much calmer now. Although second nature to jam makers and artisan pickle/chutney purveyors, much welcomed handholding for a novice.

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