
Wildfood campsite

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby Stokey Sue » Mon Jul 06, 2020 11:08 pm

if you agree to take the villa when you leave it empty get some Raid cockroach bait stations aand leave them in corners - they come into UK from Cyprus so you will probably be able to get them locally

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby scullion » Mon Jul 06, 2020 11:16 pm

I've only once seen cockroaches - at one of the hotels we stayed in jamaica. don't they move fast‽‽‽

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby Rainbow » Tue Jul 07, 2020 12:32 am

scullion wrote:I've only once seen cockroaches - at one of the hotels we stayed in jamaica. don't they move fast‽‽‽

Your lucky if you've only seen them once. We get them occasionally, and yes they do move fast! They also stink if you squash them!!
We have some bait stations around the house, but usually forget to replace them when we should. They don't last very long - 3 months, from memory.

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby Stokey Sue » Tue Jul 07, 2020 12:41 am

Plenty of cockroaches in London - we had them briefly but when they did building work downstairs which displaced them we baited the whole building and they disappeared, we bait occasionally just to be sure as they are endemic in this area

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby Kacey » Tue Jul 07, 2020 7:29 am

Worst experience ever of cockroaches was New Orleans in torrential rain - the water brings them all up from their little hidey holes and they scuttle about right in front of you, I'm shivering just thinking about it!

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby icelesley » Tue Jul 07, 2020 8:23 am

Good Morning campers. I 're- opened a bag of compost yesterday to find a massive ant nest complete with hundreds of eggs just under the folded top. I covered the lot with ant killing powder, I will see what it looks like this morning, I might have to throw the lot away :twisted:

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby Jrc123 » Tue Jul 07, 2020 8:40 am

Hello. My fathers business included going into commercial kitchens and having to pull all the large equipment out. He had a shiny cockroach hat so they slide off. :o

On another side, I have a property which is empty. I have engaged a reputable agent to do a tenant find. They have come up with an apparently excellent candidate who is self employed. Apparently he works all hours and in theory has sufficient funds to rent the place.

My alarm bells are ringing as he is unable to provide me with a tax return for proof of income ( self employed ) and also we have trawled the internet and am unable to find evidence of him or his business ANYWHERE.

Also, if you think we have lived in this area virtually all my life I don’t ever recall seeing his van advertising his business.

We have three other candidates interested so my gut instinct is to move on and look at the other potentials. I would rather have the property empty for a couple of weeks and have the right tenant rather than the first tenant. Would appreciate your thoughts. :newhuggy

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby Suffs » Tue Jul 07, 2020 8:43 am

Good morning all :D :mug:

No need to throw the compost away Ice ... or even to treat it with insecticide ... tip it out onto a sheet of plastic (cut open bin bag etc) and leave it on the lawn ... the birds will eat the ‘eggs’. :thumbsup

Jrc ... trust your instincts :thumbsup

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby Pepper Pig » Tue Jul 07, 2020 8:50 am

Yes jrc, go with your instincts. Good luck.

It's a lovely morning here. I've been round the park with the dog. It's lovely to see so many children exercising so early.

Our gym has re-opened it's coffee lounge so am going for a socially distanced meet with my two best swimming friends this morning. Am really looking forward to it. (Wish I could have a swim though).

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby scullion » Tue Jul 07, 2020 10:04 am

good morning, all.
overcast with a promise of sun. i'll whip up some dough for when we get back.
my partner has a follow up scan this morning so while he's there i'll get re-fill cylinders for the soda stream and some bug spray for the mealy bug that keeps cropping up on some orchids.
we also need milk. the one we have has gone off - grrrr - my coffee will have to be with powdered milk this morning.
agreed, no need to throw the compost away, ants aren't 'dangerous' to plants - do as aunty suffs says.
my partner has just bought me the tin of milk powder instead of the coffee.
have a good day, everyone.

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby PatsyMFagan » Tue Jul 07, 2020 10:17 am

icelesley wrote:Good Morning campers. I 're- opened a bag of compost yesterday to find a massive ant nest complete with hundreds of eggs just under the folded top. I covered the lot with ant killing powder, I will see what it looks like this morning, I might have to throw the lot away :twisted:

If you expose the nest to the air, the ants will move off. Just tip the bag contents into a large bucket - or throw the soil onto the garden .. really no need to throw the lot away :thumbsdown

Edited to say Suffs has pre-empted my reply - Scully too :thumbsup

.. Also, morning all :wave: Just having a noodle on here before my Zoom Fitsteps class ... you would think I would be fit as a flea, but I certainly feel my age these days :roll: :limbobanana :shock:

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby Stokey Sue » Tue Jul 07, 2020 10:46 am

Good morning
Nice at the moment but will rain later so fairly early walk

Agree, ants nothing to worry about, had them in the house at one point, the cat used to try herding them

No great plans for today just getting on

Think I’ll make some stuffed veg later, and make some tomato to freeze for other dishes while I’m doing it

Have a good day everyone

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby Earthmaiden » Tue Jul 07, 2020 11:00 am

Morning all! :wave. Happy to say no gluts of ants or cockroaches here at the moment :crossed.

jrc - you've made rules, stick to them. The guy, if he is genuine, will be fine in the end but you really don't need additional potential problems in your life.

PP - so pleased you can get out for a coffee and natter, it'll be really nice. As for swimming, hmmm, seems a bit iffy.

Quite a bright day here, not exactly sunny but nice. Shopping on the cards today. I'm wondering if I might brave Sainsburys for the first time since March, I want a couple of non-food things not sold in Waitrose. I'll have a look at the queue.

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby herbidacious » Tue Jul 07, 2020 11:28 am

I hesitate to say that I've never seen a cockroach - hesitation, as we seem to get one thing after another at the moment. Ants, mice... and quite bad fly situation at the moment. I am thinking about getting one of those zapper things for the lean to (I think they are getting in there, attracted by cat litte box, then coming through the gap in the doorway into the kitchen.) The ants in the patio are very active at the moment. I moved a pot yesterday, and there were hundreds of winged underneath. I am happy to live and let live, as long as they don't come back in the house (diatomaceous earth seemed to work on that front) but if it gets too much might try some nematodes.
Yes sunny here at the moment, and breezy. I just nipped out to take some new flower photos before the sun goes in as forecast to do in the next hour - cloud for the rest of the day. Will try to do a bit of gardening today, but lots of work work to do and a company wide meeting. At the very least I need to do some pot shuffling.
Feeling a lot more optimisitic today than yesterday, thankfully.
Last night we were treated to a brief concert in the back garden. Eine Kleine Nacht Musik, appropriately enough. One of our neighbours is a professional flautist, and he had invited some friends around to play and for a barbecue. It was lovely. Not often that neighbours make a nice noise!

Just sipping some really nice coffee. Guatamalen from Pollards of Sheffield. (Mail order.)

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby liketocook » Tue Jul 07, 2020 11:58 am

Good morning everyone,
Hope the cockroach problem isn't too bad halfateabag, at least the owner warned you!
Damp, grey and chilly here today. I didn't manage to finish the planting yesterday as unfortunately I twisted awkwardly reaching a trough and twanged my back so had to abandon ship. Spent most of the rest of the day wincing before giving in to heat pads and painkillers. It's still sore this morning so it will be gentle exercise only for me today and hopefully it will settle down quickly.
I've just had a baker's order delivered which includes a couple of their lovely pasties which we'll have for dinner tonight I think I'll make some mash to go with them as I've potatoes needing used up and I've not had mash for a while.

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby KeenCook2 » Tue Jul 07, 2020 12:24 pm

Morning all, my only experience with cockroaches was in Leningrad when it was still the USSR and I was living in a student hostel. We were all told to take flip flops for the shower as it was teeming with them, as was the kitchen first thing in the morning. I once woke up to find one on my pillow and they were in the little fridge my room-mate had .... fortunately I was young and tough in those days :lol:

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby smitch » Tue Jul 07, 2020 12:35 pm

Morning all!

I've only seen a cockroach at a distance, but my mum was in bed in Egypt a few years ago and got woken up by one walking across her face :shock: So glad that didn't happen to me!

Got a full day of meetings which I'm really not in the mood for. Having a bit of a teary morning, I think my hormones are all over the place with the stuff the endo clinic gave me. Work is really stressful at the moment too and everyone is irritable and upset. Roll on the weekend :roll:

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby icelesley » Tue Jul 07, 2020 1:40 pm

Afternoon Campers. Thanks for the advice re the ants I will tip the compost out :thumbsup

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby Seatallan » Tue Jul 07, 2020 1:42 pm

Smitch, please accept a virtual hug from me. Hope you feel more positive later. :newhuggy :newhuggy

jrc, I think you're quite right to trust your instincts. You definitely don't need a bad tenant.

Zosh, how exciting it all sounds! Do keep postiing won't you?

Herbi, glad you're feeling more chipper today :thumbsup

Grey, damp and chilly here too, though it does make for a more comfortable run than when the weather is hot.

I don't think I've ever seen a cockroach though I have seen a bed bug (friends of ours had an infestation when they moved to their new house). Aren't cockroaches one of those protein-rich insects that can be eaten? Can't say I'm desperately enthusiastic though I suppose if they were ground up I might be prepared to give it a go. I will admit to having always rather fancied trying a witchity-grub. :P

Anyone heard from Mimi yet today? Hope she's doing OK....
Food, felines and fells (in no particular order)

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Re: Wildfood campsite

Postby Busybee » Tue Jul 07, 2020 1:46 pm

:newhuggy :newhuggy Smitch. Can’t be easy at the moment with work upheavals, never mind adding hormones into the mix.

The washing has been on and off the line this morning, I’ve just given up and hung it on the maiden over the Rayburn.

Hope the weather improves for our picnic at Bolton Abbey tomorrow.



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