
The Corona Stone

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The Corona Stone

Postby Pepper Pig » Sun Jun 28, 2020 6:41 pm

I was either listening to the radio or reading something about this yesterday. Apparently a lot of people are referring to lockdown weight gain as "the Corona Stone" and are beginning to think about addressing it.

Although I've been walking the dog I have really missed my swimming and my weight loss won't get going until that restarts but I did weigh myself this morning. I've put on 6lbs which I'm not too unhappy about and I'm going to start the 800 version of the 5:2 again this week. I had some success with it after Christmas. I will have to re-read and get my head around it again but it's basically restricted eating hours and low carbs at the beginning.

Anyone else have diet plans? Anyone kept their weight stable? Anyone lost?
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Re: The Corona Stone

Postby Renee » Sun Jun 28, 2020 6:48 pm

I'm not the only one then. :( My weight, although too much, was fairly stable, but it has been creeping up, although I was trying to lose some weight. I don't go to the gym now two or three times a week and only go out to the supermarket once a week. I've been a bit reluctant to go out walking because it has either been to hot or raining with thunder. I've been on my exercise bike a few times, but I feel as though I'm grinding to a halt.

I also have the 800 version of the 5:2 Diet and also have the Fast Diet, so I really must get motivated to do something.

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Re: The Corona Stone

Postby scullion » Sun Jun 28, 2020 7:18 pm

interestingly, although i haven't put on any weight i was looking, last night, at the amount of weight that adele has lost since last year and have been reading up about the Sirtfoods diet (and sirtuins) which she is suggested to have been on - along with an exercise regime. i sent for a copy of the original book from abe seeing as it was only £2.28 including postage for a 'very good' copy. i will be interested to see how it differs from the papers i've read!

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Re: The Corona Stone

Postby Suelle » Sun Jun 28, 2020 7:22 pm

I weigh less than I weighed on 1st January (by a fraction of a kilogram), which is when I note my weight in my health records. As weight has always been an issue for me, I'm very happy about that! :D
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Re: The Corona Stone

Postby aero280 » Sun Jun 28, 2020 7:25 pm

Can I feel smug? I've lost nearly a stone while I've been stuck at home. :)

must be all the stuff I've been doing around the house, garden and the cars. The doctor says I'm still above my target weight and I need to lose another couple of Kg.

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Re: The Corona Stone

Postby PatsyMFagan » Sun Jun 28, 2020 7:26 pm

I too have put on weight, (about 5 lb :roll: :oops: ), but although I have been trying to maintain my previous levels of exercise (as you all must know by now ;) ) I have consciously or otherwise been treating myself to the stuff I bake - and I am definitely baking more while I am locked in.

I lost 3.5 stone doing Slimming World a few years ago, but my replumbed digestive system seems to hold on to every calorie I eat. Once I am back to 2 days in the (antique shop), I hope to be able to revert back to the Time Restricted Eating plan where I eat only between 10 am and 6 pm. What I really need to do though is stop making cakes and pastries and bread ! :roll: ;) :lol:

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Re: The Corona Stone

Postby Stokey Sue » Sun Jun 28, 2020 7:43 pm

I had put on weight pre-corona (not sure how as I was being quite careful) and haven’t dared weigh myself since, judging by my clothes I’ve not put on more but I’ve been ill enough to lose some appetite, and I have been eating sensibly and moderately and skipping some meals when not feeling well (not deliberate, it just happens)

I will try to lose some when I can get my activity level back to normal, but I think I have to be nearer to completely well first

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Re: The Corona Stone

Postby Renee » Sun Jun 28, 2020 7:55 pm

I never bake and don't eat cakes, pastries, biscuits or bread, but I do cook with butter and oil and that's probably what I need to cut right down on. I do have SprayLight which I need to use more often.

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Re: The Corona Stone

Postby herbidacious » Sun Jun 28, 2020 8:13 pm

I daren't weigh myself. Enough said. This is mainly down to lack of excerise. But also the return of the dessert, I don't eat much during the day.

Good thing I am not going to be going on holiday this year. (Or if I am it will be Normandy in September.) Main issue is how comfortable my linen shorts are, as I don't do beach holidays. I always swell up on hot holidays too, so even if my linen shorts fit (which they do), that's not good enough. I'd have to slum it in jersey ones.

It strikes me that this would be a good time to try the 5:2 diet. In the past, I have gone too hypoglaecemic to realistically keep doing it when I am spending two hours a day commuting. (Almost fainting on the way home scenarios.)

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Re: The Corona Stone

Postby Stokey Sue » Sun Jun 28, 2020 10:39 pm

scullion wrote:interestingly, although i haven't put on any weight i was looking, last night, at the amount of weight that adele has lost since last year and have been reading up about the Sirtfoods diet (and sirtuins) which she is suggested to have been on - along with an exercise regime. i sent for a copy of the original book from abe seeing as it was only £2.28 including postage for a 'very good' copy. i will be interested to see how it differs from the papers i've read!

I knew I’d read something about this here it is - ... inny-genes

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Re: The Corona Stone

Postby scullion » Sun Jun 28, 2020 11:51 pm

hahahaha - yes, i was beginning to wonder as i was reading the book excerpt, contrasting with some of the papers on sirtuins, last night, whether there was anything more than fasting and exercise to it but as it was quite cheap (secondhand no royalties) i thought i'd see if they have anything of merit to add.
it may come in useful if there's another panic buy of toilet paper!
i wonder if paper activates sirtuins in worms in the worm bin...

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Re: The Corona Stone

Postby Gillthepainter » Mon Jun 29, 2020 9:10 am

Ha ha ha. Corona Stone!

I've lost weight, probably 5 kilos in fact. I really try not to eat snax at the art school during the day, but obviously I'm eating more than I care to admit. I'm terrible for hoovering up whilst in the communal kitchen waiting for the kettle to boil for example.
So without the biscuits and cakes, I've dropped a lot.
And can fit into my entire wardrobe. Shoes are comfortable too.

Having sold a bike on Ebay, and bought a new one, I've been cycling a lot. After walking, I think it's an excellent form of exercise - Renee, I've never done it at home, but might get one of those static trainers in the future for rainy days, and hard winter days.

I'm guessing there will be a lot of new bike bargains hitting Ebay soon, with traffic levels so much increased. Go search out a barely used bargain is my advice.

When I want to drop some weight (usually 2 kilos for me) I cut out one thing.
Either bread. Or snacks. I'm not very good with diets but find a gentle change in one bad habit does the trick.

Suelle. My sister's conversation is forever needing to lose a lot of weight, she hovers around 19 or 20 stones. Every telephone call has her clearing the kitchen decks and going for soup.
But every attempt fails within hours. She's actually never lost any weight in her life.
May I ask, what worked for you please?

Get better soon, Sue. Is it still the recovery from Coronavirus that is hitting you?

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Re: The Corona Stone

Postby Suelle » Mon Jun 29, 2020 11:09 am

Suelle. My sister's conversation is forever needing to lose a lot of weight, she hovers around 19 or 20 stones. Every telephone call has her clearing the kitchen decks and going for soup.
But every attempt fails within hours. She's actually never lost any weight in her life.
May I ask, what worked for you please?

I had been yo-yo dieting for 40 years without any permanent success - I could stay on a diet long enough to lose weight, but never keep it off for long when I stopped 'dieting'. Then I tried the 5:2 diet in it's very early days - was it 6 years ago? It was the type of diet that suited me - if I was strict on two days of the week, I could relax a bit on the other days, and still have cake, biscuits and chocolate etc. Although you still have to be careful about eating too much on the 'normal' days, in compensation, it does allow some flexibility. Over the next 3 years (not dieting strictly all the time) I dropped from 105kg to around 70kg (I have been a bit lower) and, best of all, managed to keep most of it off.

There have been overall changes which help keep weight off - I halved the portion size of any carbohydrates with my main meal, cut out bread at lunchtime, cut out breakfast (unless I know I'm doing some hard physical work, as when I'm at the Food Bank storage warehouse, when I have a banana beforehand) and now practice 16:8 eating - only eating between noon and 8pm.

Unfortunately the 5:2 diet doesn't suit everyone, but it worked for me, and it helped medically too - I no longer need medication for high blood pressure and my cholesterol levels dropped to within the normal range.

The only regret is not losing weight when I was younger - my skin is not as elastic as that of a young person, so excess skin is an unsightly problem in places now.
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Re: The Corona Stone

Postby Gillthepainter » Mon Jun 29, 2020 11:16 am

Ah, thank you, Sue.
And that's a fantastic turn around you've had. I find losing weight one of the hardest things in the world to do, so I feel for my sister with such a challenge ahead of her.
Very helpful in many ways & I appreciate your thoughts.

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Re: The Corona Stone

Postby Earthmaiden » Mon Jun 29, 2020 11:46 am

Like many, I started baking and having 'treats' at the start of lockdown. I soon realised it wasn't a good idea and have tried to eat sensibly. I've managed to just about maintain my weight but it's not a weight I am comfortable with and am trying to address that a bit now. I've been quite religious about walking a few miles each day which has been a plus.

I've always been the sort who feels that some naughty but nice foods are a form of reward and during lockdown it's sometimes been hard to find alternative rewards. I enjoy baking too :(. As for reducing diets, there's no getting away from the fact that fewer calories in and more out is the only way, regardless of how its packaged. I do like the only eating within certain hours of the day approach (it helps focus on planning exactly what you will eat during those hours and cuts out extras that sometimes creep in during odd hours) and also like a few days of a crash style diet at the start of a new regime to get the mindset going and to start feeling a sense of achievement. I have lost decent amounts of weight in the past and kept it off for some years but it has always involved being very, very strict with 'comfort' foods.

I think 5:2 is good. Now I've retired it might be much easier to manage.

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Re: The Corona Stone

Postby aero280 » Mon Jun 29, 2020 12:08 pm

I lost a lot of weight around the time I retired. That was 10 years ago now!! :o I dropped from 115Kg to 85Kg, about 5 stone, over 18 months to two years. It only worked because it was done under the control of the health centre. I was weighed every two weeks by a very fierce nurse. It was a case of lose weight or face her sarcasm!

There was a lot of advice on diet, etc. I found that cutting out sweets and snacks helped, but the main success came when I stopped having lunch. It was common for us to pop across the road to the pub or transport cafe. I replaced lunch with a salad sandwich or a small box of fruit. In the last 10 years I have not bought any wine gums when buying petrol - and eating them all before I got home :oops:

I had a brief drop to 83Kg when I went on a fat free diet while awaiting an op for gall stones. Once I got signed off by the doctor as being OK with weight, I drifted up a bit. Christmas was a struggle, but I never got back to over 100Kg and I’m now fairly stable at around 92Kg. Could be a bit less, but not much needed. Target to not being overweight is 90Kg.

Snacking is the problem, along with “cooks perks”, as I do almost all the baking. OH usually makes the main meal. I can pin it down to snacks, because I don’t put on weight when I go on holiday. That’s when I have fixed meals, and any intermediate snacks have to be deliberately chosen and paid for.

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Re: The Corona Stone

Postby Earthmaiden » Mon Jun 29, 2020 12:32 pm

aero280 wrote: it only worked because it was done under the control of the health centre. I was weighed every two weeks by a very fierce nurse. It was a case of lose weight or face her sarcasm!

That would work for me. A lot of people in the weight loss business are too kind. I used to go to a gym run by the most unpleasant bully of a man you could wish to meet. He weighed me at the start of every session. I would have been so humiliated not to have lost weight each time it really kept my incentive going. Not the ideal way I know but it worked!

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Re: The Corona Stone

Postby Sakkarin » Mon Jun 29, 2020 2:22 pm

My "Stone" was a "giving up fags" stone, in about 1992. Went from 10st 6 to 11st 6 and then sort of stayed there for many years, although it's crept up to 12st in the last 10 years.

I've stayed pretty much the same over the lockdown, but the lack of exercise means it is more upleasantly distributed; migrated to the wrong bits of my body.

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Re: The Corona Stone

Postby Seatallan » Mon Jun 29, 2020 2:58 pm

The only way I can keep even remotely within acceptable parameters is via exercise. I've always been prone to gaining weight. I find that so long as I run regularly and walk everywhere I stay reasonably presentable and that's about as good as it gets I've decided. :D
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Re: The Corona Stone

Postby jeral » Mon Jun 29, 2020 5:48 pm

Sakkarin wrote:...

I've stayed pretty much the same over the lockdown, but the lack of exercise means it is more upleasantly distributed; migrated to the wrong bits of my body.

I'm permanently underweight but notice that what fat I do have has become more in the wrong place around waist and presumably soft innards, which is not good.

A big lockdown worry is creeping muscle atrophy too; a feeling of enforced lethargy and despite attempts to combat it. So an attitude of mind really.


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