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Postby Amyw » Mon Jun 14, 2021 12:40 pm

Thanks all to the compliments on my homemade burger on the “what you are eating “ thread . I had another BBQ at my mums yesterday so another burger , not homemade , but a decent butchers burger .

We chatted generally about how burgers can be a bit looked down upon due to the fast food connection, but actually a decent burger can be a great thing .

To me , there’s two key things . The burger itself being decent , either homemade or bought and the accompaniments. I hate brioche buns with burgers , find them way too rich . I like a bit of cheese , salad or a crisp rasher of bacon . I normally have mayo with mine rather than ketchup . Tzatziki is lovely with lamb burgers though .

How do you eat yours ?

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Re: Burgers

Postby herbidacious » Mon Jun 14, 2021 1:07 pm

I am indifferent to/rarely want to eat burgers. I just don't get the appeal. Is it because I am a vegetarian and could count the number of meat ones I have had on one hand? (And those were probably poor, as we were at the time... :)) Are meat ones very much nicer than non-meat ones? Are they more than the sum of their parts? The bread element actually puts me off them. (White bread renders me comotose, figuratively speaking.)
I was actually dismayed when the pub we ate lunch only had burgers on offer yesterday (although what I ate was nice enough.)

I am genuinely curious to know. (Bearing in mind I am someone who is not interested in ice cream and thus may just not be in tune with most people on things that are generally loved.)

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Re: Burgers

Postby scullion » Mon Jun 14, 2021 1:21 pm

i, too, have never had a meat burger but we do like the 'plant' burgers from aldi.
no brioche bun here, either, too sweet, too crumbly. only proper burger bun.
additions are - lettuce, sliced tomato, thinly sliced onion, thinly sliced gherkin, mayo and home made smokey, chilli and tomato relish.

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Re: Burgers

Postby halfateabag » Mon Jun 14, 2021 1:35 pm

I love a good HM burger. Some shop bought ones are good but it's exciting to make your own and sometimes theme them - italian, mexican, jerk etc. It's the bread that puts me off in restaurant ones. Hate that polystyrene suff. Not keen on brioche either. A brown seedy bun is my choice but then normally only eat half the bun. I do like the additions, bacon, cheese, dill pickle, tomato, onion, slaw. I do object to paying over a tenner for a burger when eating out, so normally make my own at home.

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Re: Burgers

Postby Suelle » Mon Jun 14, 2021 1:44 pm

I buy burgers occasionally, but eat them as a French steak haché, with the usual sort of steak accompaniments. Rarely in a bun.

I recently discovered Sainsbury's Wagyu burgers, which were very good, although they were so thick that after over-browning the first one, I now sear them in a pan, then finish in a very hot oven.
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Re: Burgers

Postby liketocook » Mon Jun 14, 2021 2:06 pm

Agree they are woefully under rated and a good one is wonderful. :yum
Usually just half a bun for me and I don't mind brioche. Not adverse to a bit of "plastic" cheese either. ;)
Homemade or decent bought for me, happy with either.
Recent favourites include home made pork and haggis burgers and also pork & leek. Replicating a meal from a local restaurant I've made pork & leek burgers topped with disc of bread crumb coated black pudding and a fried egg a couple of times which are really good though very substantial.
Veggie burgers I tend to make as I've not found a bought one I like though tbh I've not tried that many.

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Re: Burgers

Postby karadekoolaid » Mon Jun 14, 2021 3:12 pm

I love a burger, always have done - which is wierd, because I don´t eat meat in any other form than minced!!
When we make them, it´s simplicity first. Just minced beef, salt & pepper, and maybe a dash or two of Lea & P. Brushed with oil and straight on the grill. Medium to Medium rare; I don´t like shoe-leather burgers. All the bits and pieces go on top or as a side: cheese (anything from a slice of processed, to Gruyere or blue cheese), crispy fried onions ( or raw), tomato slices, lettuce, pickles (preferably dill pickles), jalapeños, etc. Obligatory slatherings of ketchup, mustard and mayo!
I´ve finally managed to "perfect" a veggie burger as well, which sometimes replaces the meat version.
Not impressed by chicken or turkey burgers. Way too dry.

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Re: Burgers

Postby Stokey Sue » Mon Jun 14, 2021 3:28 pm

Suelle wrote:I buy burgers occasionally, but eat them as a French steak haché, with the usual sort of steak accompaniments. Rarely in a bun.

i always feel cheated by steack haché/Swiss steak, if I'm given a steak on a plate with veg and a knife and fork I expect an actual steak

I'll eat most kinds of burgers, I like dill pickle slices in with most of them, Lidl's, the lengthwise sliced ones are good

I think the thing about a burger is it should be a good firm patty in a fairly soft bun, whether meat, fish or veg, a local pub entirely missed the point and made a Portobello mushroom and halloumi burger in a nice home made bun - but cut both mushroom and cheese into tiny slivers as if for stir fry, it was so wrong; I was expecting a whole grilled mushroom cap with a slab of cheese nestled in it

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Re: Burgers

Postby Earthmaiden » Mon Jun 14, 2021 3:30 pm

Of course, a proper one shouldn't be too thick and needs a whole bun to be held in the hands to eat but haven't we come a long way from that!

I'm not really a fan of loading them with everything imaginable. My ideal home made one uses a crusty roll toasted on the inside and buttered, a coating of English mustard, a thickish burger made with beef, seasoning and some finely chopped onion cooked on a BBQ or griddle until very well charred on the outside and cooked on the inside, served in the bun with iceberg lettuce.

Some years ago there was a place in Cheltenham which sold really nice ones (the sort of place to end up after a pub crawl) and you squirted in your own relishes. The corn relish was to die for, Sainsburys sold one like it for long time but now, sadly, things like hot sauces and chilli filled relishes have taken its place on the shelves.

When I was first introduced to wholefoods in the 70s, I attended some classes where we made lentil burgers. They have been my go to veggie option ever since. Just lentils (cooked or tinned) made into a paste with tomato puree, grated carrot, finely chopped onion, garlic or garlic powder, oatmeal to thicken and chopped walnuts added at the end. Then shaped into patties and fried or baked. If you like Indian or Mexican spices I'm sure they'd work but I like them as they are. Gorgeous with a plate of salad. I don't think I'd want them in bread. Bought veggie ones never seem a patch on them, I love the crunchy bits of walnut.

Nowadays if I have burgers in places that sell huge ones I just ask for the burger and accompaniments without the bun. They seem used to the request and often pop on a generous amount of lettuce etc.

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Re: Burgers

Postby Pepper Pig » Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:17 pm

Not much of a burger fan although as mentioned Wagyu burgers are good. Costco and Iceland do smashing versions.

My favourite burger thing is Nigella’s Mushroom offering. I don’t have it often as Oh refuses mushrooms but it definitely needs Ciabatta.

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Re: Burgers

Postby Binky » Tue Jun 15, 2021 6:20 pm

PP, most pubs around here do a Portobello Mushroom Burger (just like Nigella's) with chips for £12. I've been known to order one if eating out with a group, but prefer to make my own if it's just me and OH dining home alone.

In the US there used to be a chain of restaurants called Max & Erma's. They did a great meal called The ErmaBurger which was stuffed with salad and pickle, and served with fries. Washed down with an ice-cold American beer it was one of our favourite places to eat after work. I think the chain has closed down now as there's so much competition for casual dining these days.

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Re: Burgers

Postby jeral » Tue Jun 15, 2021 7:23 pm

First, AmyW asked how we eat ours, so, mine are veggie, maybe crumbed, in a white bun that's been oven-crisped on the outside for a minute or two. (Slicing it first but treating it as if not, because buns are impossible to slice when warm.) All crisp salad or soggy slaw/chutney on the side as it makes the bread soggy plus my mouth's not big enough to take a bite of four layers all at once.

A favourite is cauli burger, although I suppose it's more a croquette being crumbed. Just as is, or with a tom salsa.

Re big mushroom burgers, field or Portabella, does anyone oil the outside? Mine seem dry if I only faff with the "bowl" then bake. Ta.

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Re: Burgers

Postby Stokey Sue » Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:39 pm

I’ve noticed that pubs that sell a “plant burger” tend to dress it with “smoked vegan cheese”. As I’m not vegan I’d prefer real cheese, and definitely not

Earthmaiden wrote:My ideal home made one uses a crusty roll toasted on the inside and buttered,

I’ve never known a burger bun to be buttered, or crusty, sounds different. Isn’t a crusty bun a bit chewy?

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Re: Burgers

Postby Earthmaiden » Tue Jun 15, 2021 9:14 pm

Was just saying what I really like! Not traditional I know. Not had trouble chewing.

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Re: Burgers

Postby Stokey Sue » Tue Jun 15, 2021 9:25 pm

In one of the Sue Grafton alphabet murder books the heroine hangs out in an independent burger joint that uses Kaiser rolls, the fairly crusty ones with a twist on the top making a sort of swirl. She really liked them

I think it was a real place, and I thought I’d try one given the chance. Don’t fancy butter but I sometimes use mayo which isn’t that different in effect

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Re: Burgers

Postby liketocook » Tue Jun 15, 2021 9:34 pm

Unless it going to make the bread element collapse I'm with EM on liking a bit of butter and I'd be happy with a Kaiser roll :D .
The Nigella mushroom recipe is rather good but to me that or portabello mushroom /halloumi combo's etc. aren't a "burger", blooming good sandwiches and I'll happily have one but a burger needs to have a patty in there somewhere IFYSWIM.
THat said the local pub I like does a mean burger and really decent cajun chicken sandwich with a whole butterflied chicken breast which they used to have described as a burger. I noticed post lockdown that the menu is now categorised a "Burgers and hot sandwiches" with a comment on their FB page that when they were doing the takeaway service a few folk were disappointed that it wasn't minced chicken so they changed the description. While I understand the viewpoint folk obviously had too much time on their hands...... (and no it wasn't me :lol: :lol: )

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Re: Burgers

Postby jeral » Tue Jun 15, 2021 10:19 pm

liketocook wrote:... a few folk were disappointed that it wasn't minced chicken so they changed the description. ...

Asking for minced chicken instead of breast meat? Now that is weird. A local kebab shop did proper chicken ones; I was impressed TBH. Maybe yours will do special under-the-counter ones on request nudge nudge wink wink 8-)

Kaiser roll - great. It's those light buns that disintegrate to crumbs even as lifted that puzzle me. I mean who on earth dreamed those up?

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Re: Burgers

Postby Amyw » Tue Jun 15, 2021 10:29 pm

I don’t even have butter in sandwiches , so definitely not a burger . Crusty rolls would be a no for me , I like fairly soft rolls/buns . I think the insides soak up the juices etc a bit better .

Any good veggie burgers out there ? Have to say Linda McCartney mozarella veggie burgers are very good .

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Re: Burgers

Postby OneMoreCheekyOne » Tue Jun 15, 2021 10:39 pm

I sometimes grill the cut side of the burger buns for 1 minute...adding cheese so it melts.

The tastiest homemade ones we’ve made have finely diced smoked bacon or pancetta as well as the beef in the mix.

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Re: Burgers

Postby karadekoolaid » Wed Jun 16, 2021 3:41 am

Any good veggie burgers out there

Yep - I´ve tried loads of them. The problem often is that the burgers either have no texture or they fall apart when cooked. However, this one, from the Vegetarian Society in 2001, always works well for me - with a tweak or two:
50 gms hazelnuts
150 gms cooked chickpeas
1 small onion, chopped
50 gms carrot, grated
1 - 2 cloves garlic
2 tbsps olive oil
50 gms smoked cheese (cheddar if poss)
25 gms breadcrumbs
1 beaten egg ( I usually leave this out and add 2 tbsps besan - chickpea -flour)
2 tbsps chopped herbs - whatever you like
2 tbsps tahini
1-2 tsps soy, or Lea &P
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper

Grind the hazelnuts & chickpeas in a food processor - not too much or you´ll lose the texture.
Fry the onion & carrots in the oil till just barely soft.
Mix all the ingredients together and mix well.
Chill in the fridge for about an hour.
Make the burgers and chill again - I freeze them.
They work well in a frying pan; on a BBQ or grill, you need to put them on a baking sheet or a couple of layers of aluminium foil , otherwise they tend to disintegrate.


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