
Gardening resources and tips, etc.

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Re: Gardening resources and tips, etc.

Postby herbidacious » Wed Jun 15, 2022 10:14 am

oh no re courgette!

I am enjoying my sweet peas too even though they are in the edibles/second half of the garden and not visible unless I go down there.

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Re: Gardening resources and tips, etc.

Postby herbidacious » Fri Jun 17, 2022 9:31 am

I noticed these had come up yesterday or maybe the day before (I forgot to look) :)

I had them under some bubble wrap as couldn't find a lid for the tray.

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Another 3 things have come up since, so that just 4 things not yet germinated.

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Re: Gardening resources and tips, etc.

Postby Sloe-Gin » Sat Jun 18, 2022 12:06 pm

Everything seems very behind this year.
Out of all my runners, only one germinated. Sown end May outdoors. Dwarf ones doing well.

Marconi Peppers are very impressive, with flowers, but no peppers! Cucumbers are still in their prepubescent stage!

The green house is certainly living up to its name.

We have a wonderful display of wild flowers and roses in the front. Unfortunately, neighbour trimmed the trees in March and they are still in the trailer parked right beside it. Right eyesore. Their son's cola bottles also blow into ours.

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Re: Gardening resources and tips, etc.

Postby herbidacious » Sat Jun 18, 2022 10:58 pm

I am certainly behind... not sure if nature is. Raspberries may be a little though. I have a tomato that's almost ready to eat.

The tomato plants in my greenhouse are too crowded. I am going to have to have another rejig when the QG tank water levels have gone down. Will probably have to take some more staging out. At the moment I have 8 tomatoes, 4 aubergines and 2 peppers - with two spaces left on one of the QGs. I probably ought to get rid of remaining aubergines... It's 6x10. I think I just need to space things better.

I am getting quite a bit of leaf curl on some plants in the garden. Need to investigate. They have been prone to it since they were young plants, before they had gone out into the big wide disease-infested world, so I am not too worried.

SG, with your Quadgrows, do you find you have to fill each tank separately? I fill one half of a set and the water will get to the top without the second tank catching up. I suppose this makes sense... but if you are using the food that comes with them are you supposed to put food in each tank? And if so before filling or after? For the old design, I'd mix up enough for 30 litres in half a watering can of water and just bung it in about halfway through filling the tank.
I think they still haven't got the design quite right. This must be mark III now.

I sent off for a holiday watering kit from them weeks ago and it's still not come :evil: When I email to ask I just get a stock response. (Basically they have had more orders than they can cope with.) No phone line anymore either...

I really need to do some work in the garden tomorrow, but OH wants a day trip. He won’t be pleased if I want to stay home :( I should have made myself do more today, but I had very little sleep last night and wanted a nap after the morning's chores, and then it rained...

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Re: Gardening resources and tips, etc.

Postby herbidacious » Wed Jun 22, 2022 12:39 pm

I just nipped down the garden to look at my greenhouse tomatoes (no sun in there at this time of day :o ) and ended up spending quite a long time rearranging things and tying things in :( I guess that can be my lunch break.

This one is nearly there. Don't know what sort. Label fell off.

I hope the relative lack of sun down there doesn't mean less tasty tomatoes. The end of season ones in there were not very sweet. The oak tree has just got that much bigger this year, it seems. It's a bit late to move them, though...

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Re: Gardening resources and tips, etc.

Postby Sloe-Gin » Wed Jun 22, 2022 2:18 pm

That's impressive herbie. None of mine are at that stage yet.
My greenhouse is 8x8 and gets full sun from late morning to sunset.
I just fill one half and it flows through quickly.
I do not find the feeding instructions clear at all from the QG.

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Re: Gardening resources and tips, etc.

Postby herbidacious » Wed Jun 22, 2022 8:00 pm

I probably don't get enough sun in the greenhouse. Ah well. I have 8 toms in there but another 12 in the optimal place, which is, alas on the patio. Another 4 against the shed, near the greenhouse, so same problem. I have another 4 to put somewhere (well more but I can't have more. I gave away a couple today, plus 3 aubergines.) They were going to go next to the shed ones. There is one more spot that's not great but might be better than near the shed...

After work I had to have another greenhouse shuffle as I realized that the gap for putting water into the (old style) QG was too inaccessible now I have moved it.

Looks like the watering kit is finally coming tomorrow.

I had another rubbish plant from Suttons. 6th order that's been dead or nearly. I googled around. They were taken over by T&M and sacked a load of people in May... round about when things started going wrong. I'd guess not enough staff/disgruntled staff/cheap labour who don't have a clue and couldn't give a damn. It's a pity. They were the best of the lot for vegetable plants.

I have also had a go at cutting back the wisteria (occluding the light in the house and generally making a bid for world domination), planted a few things out, watered back garden and front (takes about 30-40 mins at the moment, including filling one QG), did some sweeping.

I feel I may just be getting to a point where I can make things look nice. Probably an hour's worth of planting out to do. Some potting on. Then the garden equivalent of (heavy duty) house work and tidying. As to when the actual housework gets done...

I think I am coughing less too. Didn't cough that much while doing all this.

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Re: Gardening resources and tips, etc.

Postby herbidacious » Wed Jun 29, 2022 7:10 pm

I didn't want to do anything after work today, but I won't have much free time over the next few days, so I made myself pot on 3 tomatillos and a couple of peppers, and ended up doing a thyme as well. I also pulled up my broad beans, they are no longer flowering and absolutely coverd in black aphids. Will be putting sweet corn in there.

Do I need to put some sort of soil improver in first? It was the first time the bed has been used.

I still have some tomatoes to pot on... and courgettes and squash and other curcubits that will need potting up soon. But it can wait a little longer.

I really don't know whether to do broad beans next year. I really like them, but they take up so much room for relatively little yield (especially once shelled and skinned.) I should buy some in pods and see if they are anywhere near as nice as homegrown, freshly picked.


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